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aha7.com :   Who is who?
... und Datenschutz ... und inhaltliche Regeln

Information für Investoren
Der gesamte nun folgende Text ist noch nichts ins Deutsche übersetzt. Der Inhalt ist für international orientierte Aktivitäten:

Organization, companies, intentions, ...

This site belongs to various sites
for various cooperating companies, businesses, associations in several countries, espec. France, USA, UK, Germany, Spain . Names include SOFTEX, PUBLI-MEDIA, CYBER__PLANET, TERRA UNIKA, LIBRA, and many others. Various individuals are involved as owners of their respective segment, administered by them.

The individual sites are physically located on servers within various countries and respect the rules and laws of the respective server location country. - Additional rules of specific countries are respected where required for specific activities.

For site coordination logistics,
Cyb.-Plan. Softex, UK, created 1996, has some function.
A related company had been incorporated at that time in the US.
Some prior software-related activities in France contributed to this.
Some essentials from media publishing activities since 1977 (Switzerland / Zuerich, London, Spain / Malaga) were merged into this.

A major contributor is the Don Pedro family of software robots, sometimes nick-named "FranckEinstein". This is related to artificial intelligence concepts, see the CD Neurotech (1995, not any more in public distribution; good cooperation partners can get a copy of this CD as long as there is some remaining stock).

Server service is mostly by some innovative technology companies / USA. US rules should therefore be respected, which mainly concerns privacy rules.

Contents restrictions

This site and all other sites of this coordinated family try to exclude contents and activities as far as not complying with the rules of any major distribution country of included information services, as shown by the site statistics.

This is mainly: USA, Canada, EU-specifics (espec. France, UK, Germany, Spain), China, Southern America, Russia.

The following will not be included in these sites and activities:
--- gambling; --- sex in the sense of pornography, prostitution and worse; --- group discrimination (like racial discrimination); --- toleration of violence.

If you find on a site related to these sites / companies something which does not comply with these rules, be sure that it is unintended. Simply send a message to: ok @ aha7.com

There is no cooperation with companies / sites which do not respect similar standard rules. In case of automatic advertisement placement, advertisement for such and related topics will always be excluded where needed, in the agreements with the advertisement partners.

Respect of individual rights, like TM Trademarks

Rights of third persons are carefully respected, e.g. TM trademarks or Copyrights.
If you find on a site related to these companies something which does not comply with this rule, be sure that it is unintended. Get it instantly settled by a message to: ok @ aha7.com
You do not need a lawyer, you do not need to spend fees. Just write us a message, that's it.

Controversial topics, advocacy etc.

You cannot believe in the need of a better world without being controversial... impossible without a bit of advocacy. But in order not to hurt feelings of people who adhere to differing personal convictions, advocacy is carefully separated from business, real life activities and normal contents.

If you find on a site related to these companies something which does not comply with this separation rule, be sure that it is unintended. Get it instantly settled by a message to: ok @ aha7.com

Privacy Protection

Privacy is here submittet to the conviction that privacy protection is a major need for the future of society. The internal restrictions here are far above most official formal rules codified in most industrialized countries.

The basic rule is that information obtained from somebody should only be used in the way he intended. Addresses are never sold. Data base information is never given to others. A lot is done to hinder any kind of unauthorized extraction of significant information from our data bases.

If you find on a site related to these companies something which does not comply with this rule of total privacy, be sure that it is unintended. Get it instantly settled by a message to: ok @ aha7.com

ok@ aha7.com Service
ok@ aha7.com Medien
ok@ aha7.com Politik
ok@ aha7.com Finanzen
ok@ aha7.com Webmaster
ok@ aha7.com Koordination
Datenschutz: (USA-Regelung) The US data center/server holding/sending this site is submitted to US legislation. The required privacy statement: "This site does not store/use/sell visitor data. But Internet advertisers typically store user profiles by cookies... can be wiped out by monthly cooky removal with your browser tools."
The site content respects the legislations of all major countries worldwide. In case of any supposed legal need in any major country for modification, please send a corresponding email suggestion.
© Content + proprietary software: Copyright 1996 - 2013 CYB.PLAN.SOFTEX_Ltd_, _London_, +_Autor (für_eigenen_Inhalt).
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