v. July 18, 2022
(list) The beauty ideal? ...conventions, cultures, evolution, genetics...
The Beauty Ideal / type of factors ('WWM ) Inner Beauty - psychological factors, Inner Beauty - personality, integrity, inner beauty - intelligence, creativity, Inner Beauty - grace, charisma, congruence, elegance, inner beauty - kindness, politeness, inner beauty - sensitivity, tenderness, compassion, Outer Beauty - physical attractiveness, physical factors, Outer Beauty - health, youthfulness, Outer Beauty - health, Outer Beauty - young, Outer Beauty - facial symmetry, averageness, com ... etc. etc.
Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position. |
The Beauty Ideal / ('WWM) |
The Beauty Ideal / type of factors ('WWM )
Inner Beauty - psychological factors.
Inner Beauty - personality, integrity.
inner beauty - intelligence, creativity.
Inner Beauty - grace, charisma, congruence, elegance.
inner beauty - kindness, politeness.
inner beauty - sensitivity, tenderness, compassion.
Outer Beauty - physical attractiveness, physical factors.
Outer Beauty - health, youthfulness.
Outer Beauty - health.
Outer Beauty - young.
Outer Beauty - facial symmetry, averageness, complexion.
Outer Beauty - averageness.
Outer Beauty - complexion.
Beauty ideal / changing factors ('WWM )
Standards of beauty always change - are cultural.
beauty ideal - historical paintings show change of standards.
Beauty ideal / permanent factors ('WWM )
the cross-cultural beauty ideal.
cross-cultural research commonalities of beauty.
permanent beauty ideal factors - relatively young, smooth skin.
permanent beauty ideal factors - well-proportioned bodies, regular features.
Beauty - Symmetry - suggests absence of genetic defects.
Beauty - Symmetry - absence of acquired defects.
averageness - average of faces - perceived most attractive.
averageness - composite average of faces : beauty ideal.
physical beauty : averageness - face images averaged : composite image.
but viewers prefer ultra-feminized women above average.
but viewers prefer feminized men above average.
Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position. |
The Beauty Ideal: female, male / ('WWM) |
evolution and the human beauty ideal ('WWM )
female beauty ideal.
beauty ideal : waist-to-hip ratio approximately 0.70.
women / hourglass figures : more fertile : female hormones.
women / high waist hip difference: fertile / female hormones.
women androgen insensitivity syndrome no reproduction.
women androgen insensitivity syndrome - modern beauty ideal.
question : modern beauty ideal - opposed to reproduction.
female beauty ideal ('WWM )
viewers prefer ultra-feminized women's faces.
men prefer ultra-feminized women's faces.
women prefer ultra-feminized women's faces.
preference ultra-feminized women faces over average faces.
preference ultra-feminized female faces over slightly masculinized.
male beauty ideal ('WWM )
ideal human beauty - classical - and Europe / renaissance.
proportions according to golden ratio - more attractive.
male beauty : ancient Greek, Roman artists - became standard.
ancient artists - male beauty standard in western civilization.
women have preference for feminized male faces.
men have preference for feminized male faces.
man with feminine features - pop culture idols.
facial hair - evolution - why men have - women not.
facial hair in human evolution, no explanation.
prehistoric men could not shave - beard.
prehistoric men looked distinct from women.
Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position. |
Beauty & Fetichism / ('WWM) |
Sexual Fetichism ('WWM )
Sexual Fetichism.
sexual fetichism of men.
sexual fetichism of women.
fetichism clothing.
men fetichism lingerie.
men fetichism hosiery.
fetichism rubber items.
fetichism leather items.
fetichism footwear.
men fetichism high heels.
fetichism of women corsetry.
women medical-related fetishes.
fetichism of women self-cutting.
fetichism of women clothing ultra-feminized.
fetichism body parts.
fetichism partialism.
fetichism paraphilia.
fetichism psychology analysis.
fetishism - normal variations of human sexuality.
fetishism - pathological form - diagnosis.
fetishism - cognitive therapy.
fetishism - psychoanalysis.
Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position. |
Fashion, clothing, home, furniture etc. / business inspirations / ('WPMSP) |
Clothing (general ('WPMSP )
textile retail.
ready-made garments for ladies and gentlemen.
sale of garments and accessories.
shop for shirts and blouses.
fashion shop.
Retail fashionable textiles.
Retail Young Fashion.
trade Young Fashion Streetwear.
Sale Young Fashion Clubwear.
Shop Jeans Sportswear.
retail jeans.
casual clothing.
outlet stores for highly exclusive brand fashion.
direct sales of designer clothing at home.
distribution of massmode outerwear.
tailor - home service.
customized clothing & home service.
clothing accessories ('WPMSP )
retail fashion accessories.
retail of fashion accessories.
Women's Clothing ('WPMSP )
designer store for women's wear.
specialty stores for women's clothing.
Sales young fashion.
Men's Clothing ('WPMSP )
shop for menswear.
for babies ('WPMSP )
direct sales of baby products.
stores for baby clothes.
safety products for children.
Jewelry, watches ('WPMSP )
sell jewelry.
jewelry retail.
trade in jewelry and watches.
Sales fashionable watches and jewelry.
sales brand watches and chronographs.
tretail accessories.
sale of silver jewelry and silver accessories.
piercing jewelry.
retail gems.
Cultured Pearl Jewelry Gemstones.
sell gift products.
retail gift and decorative products.
footwear, leather goods ('WPMSP )
retail leather.
Leather Goods Retail.
retail Bags.
sales of shoes and accessories.
retail store for children's and youth footwear.
exclusive footwear retail.
sales of sports shoes and sneakers.
orthopedic shoes.
discount, second hand,... ('WPMSP )
online factory outlet.
sale of secondhand goods for kids.
Buying Selling clothing for children.
furniture ('WPMSP )
Retail Furniture.
low priced furniture market.
Sales Furniture.
retail designer furniture.
retail equipment and accessories, textiles.
sell Office Furniture.
used office furniture.
beds, bedding ('WPMSP )
bed stores.
Waterbeds Retail.
waterbed stores.
Kitchen ('WPMSP )
sell kitchens.
kitchen specialists.
kitchenware, household, decorative ('WPMSP )
small department store with housewares.
giftware retail.
gift shop.
Retail Porcelain.
Retail Porcelain creation.
selling furniture / interior.
home textiles ('WPMSP )
home textiles retail.
distribution of home textiles.
sales of furniture, fabrics.
painting, applied art ('WPMSP )
manufacture of picture frames.
retail picture frames.
pictures and frames.
customers paint on ceramic.
Porcelain Restoration.
repairs ('WPMSP )
repair and restoration of furniture.
repair restoration interiors aircraft or ship.
shoe repair locksmith.
events ('WPMSP )
rental facility for events.
event equipment rental.
event rental facility.
Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position. |
Truth? Changes every 7 days. Come back! In the beginning, said a Persian poet - Allah took a rose, a lily, a dove, a serpent, a little honey, a Dead Sea apple, and a handful of clay. When he looked at the amalgram - it was a woman. - (William Sharp)
When you reach your sixties, you have to decide whether you're going to be a sot or an ascetic. In other words if you want to go on working after you're sixty, some degree of asceticism is inevitable. - (Malcolm Muggeridge)
He is at an age that whenever a pretty girl smiles at him he immediately looks down to see what is unzipped. - (Elmer Pasta)
If the young only knew; if the old only could. - (French saying)
Middle age: when you're sitting at home on Saturday night and the telephone rings and you hope it isn't for you. - (Ogden Nash)
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Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position. |
The Beauty Ideal: female, male / - psychology ('WWM) |
evolution and the human beauty ideal ('WWM )
female beauty ideal - psychology.
beauty ideal : waist-to-hip ratio approximately 0.70 - psychology.
women / hourglass figures : more fertile : female hormones - psychology.
women / high waist hip difference: fertile / female hormones - psychology.
women androgen insensitivity syndrome no reproduction - psychology.
women androgen insensitivity syndrome - modern beauty ideal - psychology.
question : modern beauty ideal - opposed to reproduction - psychology.
female beauty ideal ('WWM )
viewers prefer ultra-feminized women's faces - psychology.
men prefer ultra-feminized women's faces - psychology.
women prefer ultra-feminized women's faces - psychology.
preference ultra-feminized women faces over average faces - psychology.
preference ultra-feminized female faces over slightly masculinized - psychology.
male beauty ideal ('WWM )
ideal human beauty - classical - and Europe / renaissance - psychology.
proportions according to golden ratio - more attractive - psychology.
male beauty : ancient Greek, Roman artists - became standard - psychology.
ancient artists - male beauty standard in western civilization - psychology.
women have preference for feminized male faces - psychology.
men have preference for feminized male faces - psychology.
man with feminine features - pop culture idols - psychology.
facial hair - evolution - why men have - women not - psychology.
facial hair in human evolution, no explanation - psychology.
prehistoric men could not shave - beard - psychology.
prehistoric men looked distinct from women - psychology.
Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position. |
The Beauty Ideal & Culture / - psychology ('WWM) |
Eurocentric concept of female beauty ('WWM )
predominance white women / movies, advertising - beauty ideal - psychology.
white women - Eurocentric beauty ideal - psychology.
Eurocentric beauty ideal - feelings of inferiority in women of color - psychology.
Eurocentric beauty standard - women feelings of inferiority - psychology.
Eurocentric beauty standard - women of color - feeling discrimination - psychology.
China / female beauty ideal ('WWM )
Chinese female beauty ideal - psychology.
Western images affect Chinese beauty norms - psychology.
regional Asian images affect Chinese beauty norms - psychology.
Chinese women want beauty that not purely Chinese - psychology.
beauty ideal, foreign cultural influence, eroticized in Chinese media - psychology.
media: male gaze presence, sexualizes beauty - psychology.
media: implied male gaze presence, sexualizes beauty - psychology.
relationship - inner beauty, outer beauty - Chinese beauty ideal - psychology.
inner beauty, outer beauty - Chinese female beauty ideal - psychology.
Taoism, Confucianism - female beauty, inner / outer beauty - psychology.
religion - China : related outer / inner female beauty - psychology.
Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position. |
Beauty / doubts / - psychology ('WWM) |
Beauty, male gaze, woman / object ('WWM )
Male Gaze - psychology.
female beauty and male gaze - psychology.
Male Gaze feminist theory - psychology.
Male Gaze asymmetic power relationship - psychology.
Male Gaze asymmetic relationship, viewer / viewed - psychology.
Male Gaze asymmetic relationship, gazer / gazed - psychology.
man imposes unwanted objectifying male gaze upon woman - psychology.
male gaze reduces woman to an object - psychology.
female gaze reduces man to an object - psychology.
male gaze dominating - psychology.
women might benefit when conform to male gaze - psychology.
women conform to hegemonic norms, men benefit - psychology.
women norms, established to benefit interests of men - psychology.
gaze not belongs to subject but to object - psychology.
question : male gaze belongs to woman - psychology.
question : female gaze belongs to man - psychology.
Ugliness - opposed to the beauty ideal ('WWM )
ugliness - unpleasant to look upon - psychology.
ugly man - esthetically unattractive - psychology.
ugly woman - esthetically unattractive - psychology.
ugly - repulsive, or offensive. - psychology.
ugliness is subjective judgment, is not objective - psychology.
ugliness can be internal, like thoughtless, cruel - psychology.
Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position. |
Beauty & Fetichism / - psychology ('WWM) |
Sexual Fetichism ('WWM )
Sexual Fetichism - psychology.
sexual fetichism of men - psychology.
sexual fetichism of women - psychology.
fetichism clothing - psychology.
men fetichism lingerie - psychology.
men fetichism hosiery - psychology.
fetichism rubber items - psychology.
fetichism leather items - psychology.
fetichism footwear - psychology.
men fetichism high heels - psychology.
fetichism of women corsetry - psychology.
women medical-related fetishes - psychology.
fetichism of women self-cutting - psychology.
fetichism of women clothing ultra-feminized - psychology.
fetichism body parts - psychology.
fetichism partialism - psychology.
fetichism paraphilia - psychology.
fetichism psychology analysis - psychology.
fetishism - normal variations of human sexuality - psychology.
fetishism - pathological form - diagnosis - psychology.
fetishism - cognitive therapy - psychology.
fetishism - psychoanalysis - psychology.
Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position. |
The Beauty Ideal / - psychology ('WWM) |
The Beauty Ideal / type of factors ('WWM )
Inner Beauty - psychological factors - psychology.
Inner Beauty - personality, integrity - psychology.
inner beauty - intelligence, creativity - psychology.
Inner Beauty - grace, charisma, congruence, elegance - psychology.
inner beauty - kindness, politeness - psychology.
inner beauty - sensitivity, tenderness, compassion - psychology.
Outer Beauty - physical attractiveness, physical factors - psychology.
Outer Beauty - health, youthfulness - psychology.
Outer Beauty - health - psychology.
Outer Beauty - young - psychology.
Outer Beauty - facial symmetry, averageness, complexion - psychology.
Outer Beauty - averageness - psychology.
Outer Beauty - complexion - psychology.
Beauty ideal / changing factors ('WWM )
Standards of beauty always change - are cultural - psychology.
beauty ideal - historical paintings show change of standards - psychology.
Beauty ideal / permanent factors ('WWM )
the cross-cultural beauty ideal - psychology.
cross-cultural research commonalities of beauty - psychology.
permanent beauty ideal factors - relatively young, smooth skin - psychology.
permanent beauty ideal factors - well-proportioned bodies, regular features - psychology.
Beauty - Symmetry - suggests absence of genetic defects - psychology.
Beauty - Symmetry - absence of acquired defects - psychology.
averageness - average of faces - perceived most attractive - psychology.
averageness - composite average of faces : beauty ideal - psychology.
physical beauty : averageness - face images averaged : composite image - psychology.
but viewers prefer ultra-feminized women above average - psychology.
but viewers prefer feminized men above average - psychology.
Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position. |
Lovemeter - love & dream / ('WWFW) |
love. .
love barometer.
"love test".
"love tester".
measure love.
love calculator.
"true love".
love beyond measure.
love dream.
love man of my dreams.
love woman of my dreams.
love astrology.
love horoscope.
"love and money".
"money and love".
"love or money".
"money or love".
love "femme fatale".
Truth? Changes every 7 days. Come back! newspaper online / comments below an article about high class prostitution: --- Question: How can a prostitute be 'high class'? Steve, Aberdeen, UK --- Answer: Give me £5,000 for an hour and I'll show you, darling. Yvette, Chelsea.
Simpson succeeded in proving that there was no harm in giving anaesthetics to men, because God put Adam into a deep sleep when He extracted his rib. But male ecclesiastics remained unconvinced as regards the sufferings of women, at any rate in childbirth. - (Bertrand Russell)
Men are made by nature unequal. It is vain, therefore, to treat them as if they were equal. - (J. A. Froude)
The ideal woman which is in every man's mind is evoked by a word or phrase or the shape of her wrist, her hand. The most beautiful description of a woman is by understatement. Remember, all Tolstoy ever said to describe Anna Karenina was that she was beautiful and could see in the dark like a cat. Every man has a different idea of what's beautiful, and it's best to take the gesture, the shadow of the branch, and let the mind create the tree. - (William Faulkner)
Most women still need a room of their own and the only way to find it may be outside their own home. - (Germaine Greer)
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Truth? Changes every 7 days. Come back! Women are perfectly well aware that the more they seem to obey the more they rule. - (Jules Michelet)
When you are forty, half of you belongs to the past. . . And when you are seventy, nearly all of you. - (Jean Anouilh)
Age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill. - (Anonymous)
Old age is an island surrounded by death. - (Juan Montalvo)
I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun. - (Fitzwilliam Darcy)
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