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   v. July 18, 2022
(list) Franchising, business plan, cooperation etc. for your new business

business plan Business Plan, business plan, Business Forecast, Business plan uncertainty, Business plan business model, Business plan return, Business plan return expectation, Business plan usually unrealistic, Business plan everything will become different, Business plan often ridiculous uncertain future, Business plan believe to know future arrogant, Business plan important where low examination intelligence, numbers instead of business intelligence, Business plan because required by ban ... etc. etc.

Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position.
Help for startups, consulting, franchise, financing,... / creation consult ('SPBB)

business plan

  Business Plan creation consult.  
  business plan creation consult.  
  Business Forecast creation consult.  
  Business plan uncertainty creation consult.  
  Business plan business model creation consult.  
  Business plan return creation consult.  
  Business plan return expectation creation consult.

  Business plan usually unrealistic creation consult.  
  Business plan everything will become different creation consult.  
  Business plan often ridiculous uncertain future creation consult.  
  Business plan believe to know future arrogant creation consult.

  Business plan important where low examination intelligence creation consult.  
  numbers instead of business intelligence creation consult.  
  Business plan because required by banks creation consult.  
  Business plan needed for subsidy agencies creation consult.  
  Business plan important for bureaucrats creation consult.  
  Business plan bureaucrats not know business creation consult.

  Business plan unfortunately unavoidable creation consult.  
  Business stupid question stupid answer creation consult.  
  Business plan enter arbitrary but true values creation consult.  
  Business plan by tax adviser good solution creation consult.  
  Europe Business plan by tax adviser solution creation consult.

  Business plan legal risk later unapproved deviation creation consult.  
  deviation Business Risk Finance Consulting creation consult.  
  authorize later deviation from business in footnote creation consult.


  Fanchise creation consult.  
  Fanchise brand creation consult.  
  Franchise Marketing creation consult.  
  Franchise Advertising creation consult.

  franchise purchasing creation consult.  
  Franchise Accounting creation consult.  
  franchise fee creation consult.  
  Franchise Training creation consult.  
  Franchise Consulting creation consult.

  Franchise Agreement creation consult.  
  franchise model contract creation consult.  
  franchise lease creation consult.

  franchise termination creation consult.  
  franchise contract termination without notice creation consult.

Startup helpers Business

  Startup helper creation consult.  
  Startup Business Subsidies creation consult.  
  new business subsidy consultant creation consult.  
  new business donation consultant creation consult.  
  new business grant consultant creation consult.  
  Startup consulting profitable EU subsidy creation consult.  
  Startup Lobby subsidies creation consult.  
  Startup hunting lobby subsidies creation consult.  
  subsidy corruption creation consult.  
  donation corruption creation consult.  
  grant corruption creation consult.  
  Startup business lobby creation consult.

  Startup political self-congratulation creation consult.  
  new business for success Press creation consult.  
  startup loan public banks success press releases creation consult.

  incubators creation consult.  
  startup consult creation consult.  
  startup owner network creation consult.  
  start-up PPP creation consult.  
  new business subsidy corruption creation consult.  
  Startup helper networks public banks creation consult.  
  Funding corruption creation consult.  
  subsidy corruption creation consult.  
  donation corruption creation consult.  
  grant corruption creation consult.

Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position.
Help for startups, consulting, franchise, financing,... / ('SPBB)

business plan

  Business Plan.  
  business plan.  
  Business Forecast.  
  Business plan uncertainty.  
  Business plan business model.  
  Business plan return.  
  Business plan return expectation.

  Business plan usually unrealistic.  
  Business plan everything will become different.  
  Business plan often ridiculous uncertain future.  
  Business plan believe to know future arrogant.

  Business plan important where low examination intelligence.  
  numbers instead of business intelligence.  
  Business plan because required by banks.  
  Business plan needed for subsidy agencies.  
  Business plan important for bureaucrats.  
  Business plan bureaucrats not know business.

  Business plan unfortunately unavoidable.  
  Business stupid question stupid answer.  
  Business plan enter arbitrary but true values.  
  Business plan by tax adviser good solution.  
  Europe Business plan by tax adviser solution.

  Business plan legal risk later unapproved deviation.  
  deviation Business Risk Finance Consulting.  
  authorize later deviation from business in footnote.


  Fanchise brand.  
  Franchise Marketing.  
  Franchise Advertising.

  franchise purchasing.  
  Franchise Accounting.  
  franchise fee.  
  Franchise Training.  
  Franchise Consulting.

  Franchise Agreement.  
  franchise model contract.  
  franchise lease.

  franchise termination.  
  franchise contract termination without notice.

Startup helpers Business

  Startup helper.  
  Startup Business Subsidies.  
  new business subsidy consultant.  
  new business donation consultant.  
  new business grant consultant.  
  Startup consulting profitable EU subsidy.  
  Startup Lobby subsidies.  
  Startup hunting lobby subsidies.  
  subsidy corruption.  
  donation corruption.  
  grant corruption.  
  Startup business lobby.

  Startup political self-congratulation.  
  new business for success Press.  
  startup loan public banks success press releases.

  startup consult.  
  startup owner network.  
  start-up PPP.  
  new business subsidy corruption.  
  Startup helper networks public banks.  
  Funding corruption.  
  subsidy corruption.  
  donation corruption.  
  grant corruption.

Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position.
Help for startups, consulting, franchise, financing,... / consultant ('SPBB)

business plan

  Business Plan consultant.  
  business plan consultant.  
  Business Forecast consultant.  
  Business plan uncertainty consultant.  
  Business plan business model consultant.  
  Business plan return consultant.  
  Business plan return expectation consultant.

  Business plan usually unrealistic consultant.  
  Business plan everything will become different consultant.  
  Business plan often ridiculous uncertain future consultant.  
  Business plan believe to know future arrogant consultant.

  Business plan important where low examination intelligence consultant.  
  numbers instead of business intelligence consultant.  
  Business plan because required by banks consultant.  
  Business plan needed for subsidy agencies consultant.  
  Business plan important for bureaucrats consultant.  
  Business plan bureaucrats not know business consultant.

  Business plan unfortunately unavoidable consultant.  
  Business stupid question stupid answer consultant.  
  Business plan enter arbitrary but true values consultant.  
  Business plan by tax adviser good solution consultant.  
  Europe Business plan by tax adviser solution consultant.

  Business plan legal risk later unapproved deviation consultant.  
  deviation Business Risk Finance Consulting consultant.  
  authorize later deviation from business in footnote consultant.


  Fanchise consultant.  
  Fanchise brand consultant.  
  Franchise Marketing consultant.  
  Franchise Advertising consultant.

  franchise purchasing consultant.  
  Franchise Accounting consultant.  
  franchise fee consultant.  
  Franchise Training consultant.  
  Franchise Consulting consultant.

  Franchise Agreement consultant.  
  franchise model contract consultant.  
  franchise lease consultant.

  franchise termination consultant.  
  franchise contract termination without notice consultant.

Startup helpers Business

  Startup helper consultant.  
  Startup Business Subsidies consultant.  
  new business subsidy consultant consultant.  
  new business donation consultant consultant.  
  new business grant consultant consultant.  
  Startup consulting profitable EU subsidy consultant.  
  Startup Lobby subsidies consultant.  
  Startup hunting lobby subsidies consultant.  
  subsidy corruption consultant.  
  donation corruption consultant.  
  grant corruption consultant.  
  Startup business lobby consultant.

  Startup political self-congratulation consultant.  
  new business for success Press consultant.  
  startup loan public banks success press releases consultant.

  incubators consultant.  
  startup consult consultant.  
  startup owner network consultant.  
  start-up PPP consultant.  
  new business subsidy corruption consultant.  
  Startup helper networks public banks consultant.  
  Funding corruption consultant.  
  subsidy corruption consultant.  
  donation corruption consultant.  
  grant corruption consultant.

Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position.

further useful information / similar topics

Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position.
Accounting, taxes, etc. for new businesses / free "how to" ('SNB )

Accountancy ('SN )

  New Business Accounting free "how to".  
  start-up accounting free "how to".  
  business creation accounting software free "how to".  
  basic accounting software sufficient for start-ups free "how to".

  professional accounting free "how to".  
  annual balance free "how to".  
  accounting free "how to".  
  depreciation accounting free "how to".

  Accounting of start-up tax administration more tolerance free "how to".  
  simplified small business taxation free "how to".  
  franchise tax simplified free "how to".  
  sales tax simplified free "how to".  
  value added tax simplified free "how to".  
  value added tax European Union free "how to".

  taxpayer wisdom morality ethics etc free "how to".  
  legislation confusing free "how to".  
  legislation confusing country specific free "how to".  
  bookkeeping obligations some errors tolerated free "how to".  
  bookkeeping obligations some errors prohibited free "how to".  
  bookkeeping obligations rules limits free "how to".  
  accounting depreciation discretionary leverage for taxation free "how to".  
  accounting depreciation key effect for taxation free "how to".  
  accounting depreciation choice has key effect free "how to".

  European VAT system free "how to".  
  VAT system vulnerabilities free "how to".  
  VAT carousel prohibited free "how to".  
  VAT payment failure usually is offense free "how to".

  VAT basic problem, advance payment often required free "how to".  
  payment for employees - usually is offense free "how to".

Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position.
Business Creation / basic concept, strategy, roadmap,... / consultant ('SPP )

Business Creation / basic concept ('SP )

  Startup business creation consultant.  
  Strategy of newly created company consultant.  
  new company business concept consultant.  
  new company business idea consultant.

  Business creation individual owner consultant.  
  Startup creation individual owner consultant.  
  new business team consultant.  
  new business forming a team consultant.  
  new business entrepreneurial team consultant.  
  acquisition of a business consultant.  
  acquisition of a company consultant.

  Relationships for a new business consultant.  
  New business cooperating partners consultant.  
  New business partners network consultant.

business creation strategy ('SP )

  new business strategy consultant.  
  new business economics consultant.  
  new business potential return on investment consultant.  
  new business managerial activities consultant.  
  new business strategy - finance consultant.  
  new business strategy - competition consultant.  
  new business strategy - prices consultant.  
  new business strategy - marketing consultant.

business creation roadmap ('SP )

  New business devolopment consultant.  
  Startup decision phase consultant.  
  new business choice of a business consultant.  
  Startup business idea, plan B consultant.  
  start-ups planning variants consultant.

  new business design phase consultant.  
  way to success planning consultant.  
  new business scheduling consultant.

  new business realization phase consultant.  
  New company startup phase consultant.

new business / failure risks ('SP )

  new business failure risks consultant.  
  new business failure causes consultant.  
  Startup unsuccessful reasons consultant.  
  New company unsuccessful reasons consultant.  
  New business vulnerability consultant.  
  new business problems flexibility consultant.

Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position.
insurance, future and security: health, retirement, accidents, liability,... / recommendation ('SPBB)

insurance, future, security ('SV )

  necessary insurance recommendation.  
  nothing is certain excepted death recommendation.  
  only in the long run for sure: we are all dead recommendation.

This page is these days under constrution. Mostly valid, but still some nonsense content. It is planned to rectify this within 2 days.

Insurance / retirement, health ('SV )

  pension for founders recommendation.  
  pension for young entrepreneurs recommendation.  
  company pension recommendation.  
  occupational pension occupational pension recommendation.  
  company pension in addition to statutory pension insurance workers recommendation.

  insurance recommendation.  
  statutory health insurance recommendation.  
  health insurance for self-employed recommendation.  
  private health insurance recommendation.  
  private health insurance for self-employed recommendation.

insurance / risk of interruption ('SV )

  Unemployment recommendation.  
  unemployment insurance for the self recommendation.  
  unemployment insurance for entrepreneurs recommendation.  
  disability insurance recommendation.

insurance / risk from activities ('SV )

  professional liability insurance recommendation.  
  insurance company recommendation.  
  private insurance recommendation.

  accident at work recommendation.  
  accident insurance costs recommendation.  
  accident insurance from work recommendation.

  business insurance recommendation.  
  business assets insurance facility recommendation.  
  business assets insurance fire recommendation.  
  business assets insurance burglary recommendation.

  insurance costs for illness recommendation.  
  operating insurance for self freelancers recommendation.  
  operating room costs of insurance payment recommendation.  
  operating insurance payment salary employees recommendation.

  business interruption insurance recommendation.  
  business interruption insurance for damage to property recommendation.  
  business interruption insurance in case of fire recommendation.  
  business interruption insurance in case of failure machines recommendation.

  unpaid invoices / insurance recommendation.

Insurance / General ('SV )

  legal recommendation.  
  corporate legal recommendation.  
  private legal recommendation.  
  legal scope of coverage recommendation.  
  legal expenses not covered recommendation.

  car insurance recommendation.  
  car insurance third party insurance recommendation.  
  car insurance comprehensive insurance recommendation.

  Hausratversicherung recommendation.
Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position.
New Business: Employment Contract, Self-employed, Social Security. etc. / text model free ('SWB)

staff ('SWB )

  employment contract text model free.  
  employment contract sample for free text model free.  
  Job search résumé text model free.  
  Job search coverletter text model free.  
  Job search Curriculum Vitæ text model free.  
  Job search CV text model free.

  Self-employed text model free.  
  Self-employed independent contractors text model free.  
  Bogus self-employed text model free.  
  bogus self-employment rights text model free.  
  Bogus self-employed avoidance text model free.

  Permanent employee text model free.  
  Full-time employee text model free.  
  recruiter text model free.

  Part-time employee text model free.  
  temporary employment text model free.  
  Temporary employment rights text model free.  
  Temporary employment legal rights text model free.  
  Temporary employment agency text model free.  
  Temporary work agency text model free.  
  Temp agency text model free.  
  Temporary staffing firm text model free.

  Social security number text model free.  
  Employee health insurance text model free.  
  Employee - employer payment for retirement text model free.  
  employer payroll taxes text model free.

  verify whether a minimum wage for the industry text model free.  
  combined low-wage subsidy text model free.

  UK agency worker law text model free.

Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position.
services for vehicles / business inspiration ('BWTSP)

auto center, car dealer ('BWTSP )

  car sales agency business inspiration.  
  car agency business inspiration.  
  car dealer business inspiration.

auto parts ('BWTSP )

  sales of automotive accessories business inspiration.  
  trade auto accessories business inspiration.  
  tire dealer business inspiration.  
  tire change business inspiration.

repair, maintenance, equipment installation, ... ('BWTSP )

  automotive service business inspiration.  
  repair of minor damage business inspiration.

  color restoration business inspiration.  
  removing paint business inspiration.

  vehicle maintenance business inspiration.  
  maintenance of commercial vehicles business inspiration.

  installation of car hifi business inspiration.  
  installation of car navigation business inspiration.  
  installation of car alarm systems business inspiration.

car wash, carcosmetics ('BWTSP )

  car wash business inspiration.  
  auto wash business inspiration.  
  car care business inspiration.  
  car cosmetics business inspiration.  
  car piercing business inspiration.

car rental ('BWTSP )

  car rental business inspiration.  
  truck rental business inspiration.  
  trailers rental business inspiration.

motorcycles ('BWTSP )

  sale motorcycles business inspiration.  
  sale used motorcycles business inspiration.  
  sale motorcycles accessories business inspiration.

bicycle ('BWTSP )

  sale bicycles business inspiration.  
  sale used bikes business inspiration.  
  sale bicycles accessories business inspiration.  
  bikes and accessories business inspiration.

Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position.
Fashion, clothing, home, furniture etc. / business inspirations / franchise ('WPMSP)

Clothing (general ('WPMSP )

  textile retail franchise.  
  ready-made garments for ladies and gentlemen franchise.  
  sale of garments and accessories franchise.  
  shop for shirts and blouses franchise.

  fashion shop franchise.  
  Retail fashionable textiles franchise.  
  Retail Young Fashion franchise.  
  trade Young Fashion Streetwear franchise.  
  Sale Young Fashion Clubwear franchise.  
  Shop Jeans Sportswear franchise.  
  retail jeans franchise.  
  casual clothing franchise.

  outlet stores for highly exclusive brand fashion franchise.  
  direct sales of designer clothing at home franchise.

  distribution of massmode outerwear franchise.  
  tailor - home service franchise.  
  customized clothing & home service franchise.

clothing accessories ('WPMSP )

  retail fashion accessories franchise.  
  retail of fashion accessories franchise.

Women's Clothing ('WPMSP )

  Fashion franchise.  
  designer store for women's wear franchise.  
  specialty stores for women's clothing franchise.  
  Sales young fashion franchise.

Men's Clothing ('WPMSP )

  shop for menswear franchise.

for babies ('WPMSP )

  direct sales of baby products franchise.  
  stores for baby clothes franchise.  
  safety products for children franchise.

Jewelry, watches ('WPMSP )

  sell jewelry franchise.  
  jewelry retail franchise.  
  trade in jewelry and watches franchise.  
  Sales fashionable watches and jewelry franchise.  
  sales brand watches and chronographs franchise.

  tretail accessories franchise.  
  sale of silver jewelry and silver accessories franchise.  
  piercing jewelry franchise.  
  retail gems franchise.  
  Cultured Pearl Jewelry Gemstones franchise.

  sell gift products franchise.  
  retail gift and decorative products franchise.

footwear, leather goods ('WPMSP )

  retail leather franchise.  
  Leather Goods Retail franchise.  
  retail Bags franchise.

  shoes franchise.  
  sales of shoes and accessories franchise.  
  retail store for children's and youth footwear franchise.  
  exclusive footwear retail franchise.  
  sales of sports shoes and sneakers franchise.  
  orthopedic shoes franchise.

discount, second hand,... ('WPMSP )

  online factory outlet franchise.  
  sale of secondhand goods for kids franchise.  
  Buying Selling clothing for children franchise.

furniture ('WPMSP )

  Retail Furniture franchise.  
  low priced furniture market franchise.  
  Sales Furniture franchise.  
  retail designer furniture franchise.  
  retail equipment and accessories, textiles franchise.  
  sell Office Furniture franchise.  
  used office furniture franchise.

beds, bedding ('WPMSP )

  bed stores franchise.  
  Waterbeds Retail franchise.  
  waterbed stores franchise.

Kitchen ('WPMSP )

  sell kitchens franchise.  
  kitchen specialists franchise.

kitchenware, household, decorative ('WPMSP )

  small department store with housewares franchise.  
  giftware retail franchise.  
  gift shop franchise.

  Retail Porcelain franchise.  
  Retail Porcelain creation franchise.  
  selling furniture / interior franchise.

home textiles ('WPMSP )

  home textiles retail franchise.  
  distribution of home textiles franchise.  
  sales of furniture, fabrics franchise.

painting, applied art ('WPMSP )  

  manufacture of picture frames franchise.  
  retail picture frames franchise.  
  pictures and frames franchise.  
  customers paint on ceramic franchise.  
  Porcelain Restoration franchise.

repairs ('WPMSP )

  repair and restoration of furniture franchise.  
  repair restoration interiors aircraft or ship franchise.  
  shoe repair locksmith franchise.

events ('WPMSP )

  rental facility for events franchise.  
  event equipment rental franchise.  
  event rental facility franchise.

Truth? Changes every 7 days. Come back!
Try first thyself, and after call in God, For to the worker God himself lends aid. - (Euripides

You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try. - (Beverly Sills

But I trusted in thee, O Lord; I said, Thou art my God. My times are in thy hand. - (Bible

If you can react the same way to winning and losing, that's a big accomplishment. That quality is important because it stays with you the rest of your life. - (Chris Evert

Happy people plan actions, they don't plan results. - (Dennis Wholey

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Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position.
Help for startups, consulting, franchise, financing,... / legal state ('SPBB)

business plan

  Business Plan legal state.  
  business plan legal state.  
  Business Forecast legal state.  
  Business plan uncertainty legal state.  
  Business plan business model legal state.  
  Business plan return legal state.  
  Business plan return expectation legal state.

  Business plan usually unrealistic legal state.  
  Business plan everything will become different legal state.  
  Business plan often ridiculous uncertain future legal state.  
  Business plan believe to know future arrogant legal state.

  Business plan important where low examination intelligence legal state.  
  numbers instead of business intelligence legal state.  
  Business plan because required by banks legal state.  
  Business plan needed for subsidy agencies legal state.  
  Business plan important for bureaucrats legal state.  
  Business plan bureaucrats not know business legal state.

  Business plan unfortunately unavoidable legal state.  
  Business stupid question stupid answer legal state.  
  Business plan enter arbitrary but true values legal state.  
  Business plan by tax adviser good solution legal state.  
  Europe Business plan by tax adviser solution legal state.

  Business plan legal risk later unapproved deviation legal state.  
  deviation Business Risk Finance Consulting legal state.  
  authorize later deviation from business in footnote legal state.


  Fanchise legal state.  
  Fanchise brand legal state.  
  Franchise Marketing legal state.  
  Franchise Advertising legal state.

  franchise purchasing legal state.  
  Franchise Accounting legal state.  
  franchise fee legal state.  
  Franchise Training legal state.  
  Franchise Consulting legal state.

  Franchise Agreement legal state.  
  franchise model contract legal state.  
  franchise lease legal state.

  franchise termination legal state.  
  franchise contract termination without notice legal state.

Startup helpers Business

  Startup helper legal state.  
  Startup Business Subsidies legal state.  
  new business subsidy consultant legal state.  
  new business donation consultant legal state.  
  new business grant consultant legal state.  
  Startup consulting profitable EU subsidy legal state.  
  Startup Lobby subsidies legal state.  
  Startup hunting lobby subsidies legal state.  
  subsidy corruption legal state.  
  donation corruption legal state.  
  grant corruption legal state.  
  Startup business lobby legal state.

  Startup political self-congratulation legal state.  
  new business for success Press legal state.  
  startup loan public banks success press releases legal state.

  incubators legal state.  
  startup consult legal state.  
  startup owner network legal state.  
  start-up PPP legal state.  
  new business subsidy corruption legal state.  
  Startup helper networks public banks legal state.  
  Funding corruption legal state.  
  subsidy corruption legal state.  
  donation corruption legal state.  
  grant corruption legal state.

Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position.
Help for startups, consulting, franchise, financing,... / franchise ('SPBB)

business plan

  Business Plan franchise.  
  business plan franchise.  
  Business Forecast franchise.  
  Business plan uncertainty franchise.  
  Business plan business model franchise.  
  Business plan return franchise.  
  Business plan return expectation franchise.

  Business plan usually unrealistic franchise.  
  Business plan everything will become different franchise.  
  Business plan often ridiculous uncertain future franchise.  
  Business plan believe to know future arrogant franchise.

  Business plan important where low examination intelligence franchise.  
  numbers instead of business intelligence franchise.  
  Business plan because required by banks franchise.  
  Business plan needed for subsidy agencies franchise.  
  Business plan important for bureaucrats franchise.  
  Business plan bureaucrats not know business franchise.

  Business plan unfortunately unavoidable franchise.  
  Business stupid question stupid answer franchise.  
  Business plan enter arbitrary but true values franchise.  
  Business plan by tax adviser good solution franchise.  
  Europe Business plan by tax adviser solution franchise.

  Business plan legal risk later unapproved deviation franchise.  
  deviation Business Risk Finance Consulting franchise.  
  authorize later deviation from business in footnote franchise.


  Fanchise franchise.  
  Fanchise brand franchise.  
  Franchise Marketing franchise.  
  Franchise Advertising franchise.

  franchise purchasing franchise.  
  Franchise Accounting franchise.  
  franchise fee franchise.  
  Franchise Training franchise.  
  Franchise Consulting franchise.

  Franchise Agreement franchise.  
  franchise model contract franchise.  
  franchise lease franchise.

  franchise termination franchise.  
  franchise contract termination without notice franchise.

Startup helpers Business

  Startup helper franchise.  
  Startup Business Subsidies franchise.  
  new business subsidy consultant franchise.  
  new business donation consultant franchise.  
  new business grant consultant franchise.  
  Startup consulting profitable EU subsidy franchise.  
  Startup Lobby subsidies franchise.  
  Startup hunting lobby subsidies franchise.  
  subsidy corruption franchise.  
  donation corruption franchise.  
  grant corruption franchise.  
  Startup business lobby franchise.

  Startup political self-congratulation franchise.  
  new business for success Press franchise.  
  startup loan public banks success press releases franchise.

  incubators franchise.  
  startup consult franchise.  
  startup owner network franchise.  
  start-up PPP franchise.  
  new business subsidy corruption franchise.  
  Startup helper networks public banks franchise.  
  Funding corruption franchise.  
  subsidy corruption franchise.  
  donation corruption franchise.  
  grant corruption franchise.

Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position.
Help for startups, consulting, franchise, financing,... / free "how to" ('SPBB)

business plan

  Business Plan free "how to".  
  business plan free "how to".  
  Business Forecast free "how to".  
  Business plan uncertainty free "how to".  
  Business plan business model free "how to".  
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Startup helpers Business

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Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position.

further useful information / similar topics

Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position.
Business Creation / basic concept, strategy, roadmap,... / consultant ('SPP )

Business Creation / basic concept ('SP )

  Startup business creation consultant.  
  Strategy of newly created company consultant.  
  new company business concept consultant.  
  new company business idea consultant.

  Business creation individual owner consultant.  
  Startup creation individual owner consultant.  
  new business team consultant.  
  new business forming a team consultant.  
  new business entrepreneurial team consultant.  
  acquisition of a business consultant.  
  acquisition of a company consultant.

  Relationships for a new business consultant.  
  New business cooperating partners consultant.  
  New business partners network consultant.

business creation strategy ('SP )

  new business strategy consultant.  
  new business economics consultant.  
  new business potential return on investment consultant.  
  new business managerial activities consultant.  
  new business strategy - finance consultant.  
  new business strategy - competition consultant.  
  new business strategy - prices consultant.  
  new business strategy - marketing consultant.

business creation roadmap ('SP )

  New business devolopment consultant.  
  Startup decision phase consultant.  
  new business choice of a business consultant.  
  Startup business idea, plan B consultant.  
  start-ups planning variants consultant.

  new business design phase consultant.  
  way to success planning consultant.  
  new business scheduling consultant.

  new business realization phase consultant.  
  New company startup phase consultant.

new business / failure risks ('SP )

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  new business failure causes consultant.  
  Startup unsuccessful reasons consultant.  
  New company unsuccessful reasons consultant.  
  New business vulnerability consultant.  
  new business problems flexibility consultant.

Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position.
Home & Wellness / business inspiration ('WWFSP)

Cosmetics, Beauty ('SPWY )
(Note: Health-related activties may have some special legal license requirements. Check it for your country.)

  cosmetics business inspiration.  
  retail Cosmetics business inspiration.  
  Perfumery business inspiration.  
  natural cosmetics business inspiration.  
  beauty shops business inspiration.

  care business inspiration.  
  Body Care business inspiration.  
  Medical Skin Care business inspiration.  
  Beauty Service business inspiration.

  shops for dental care products business inspiration.  
  Cosmetic dentistry business inspiration.

haircare, hairdresser ('SPWY )

  Hairdresser business inspiration.  
  hair extensions business inspiration.  
  toupees business inspiration.  
  selling hair care products business inspiration.

massage ('SPWY )
(Note: Health-related activties may have some special legal license requirements. Check it for your country.)

  service massage business inspiration.  
  Health Studios business inspiration.  
  Wellness Medical business inspiration.  
  home massage services business inspiration.  
  facial massages business inspiration.

  Retal Infrared Wellness Products business inspiration.

Tanning Salons / Hair removal / nail salons ('SPWY )
(Note: Health-related activties may have some special legal license requirements. Check it for your country.)

  tanning business inspiration.  
  UV tanning system business inspiration.  
  tanning cosmetics business inspiration.  
  Epilation business inspiration.  
  Tattoo removal business inspiration.  
  Nailbars business inspiration.

care for the elderly and disabled ('SPWY )
(Note: Health-related activties may have some special legal license requirements. Check it for your country.)

  services for aged persons business inspiration.  
  provide care for the elderly business inspiration.  
  arranging services for aged persons business inspiration.  
  Agency for eldercare business inspiration.  
  Agency monitoring elderly persons business inspiration.  
  services in house garden business inspiration.

Dating, dating ('WWFSP )

  dating business inspiration.  
  dating brokerage business inspiration.  
  matchmaking business inspiration.  
  event agency for singles business inspiration.

childcare ('SPWWJ )

  private child care agencies business inspiration.  
  staff secondment for childcare business inspiration.  
  staff secondment for home care business inspiration.  
  staff secondment for housing assistance business inspiration.

Children Leisure ('SPWWJ )

  theme parks with restaurants business inspiration.  
  children's entertainment as a fairy business inspiration.  
  day camp for children business inspiration.  
  Indoor Playgrounds business inspiration.

events ('SPPT )

  event planning business inspiration.  
  alcohol test at parties and events business inspiration.

sports, events ('SPWBW )

  Sports Specialists business inspiration.  
  Sporting Goods Discount business inspiration.  
  distribution of team sports business inspiration.  
  selling Sportswear business inspiration.

  sales of golf equipment business inspiration.  
  dive shop business inspiration.  
  store for fishing business inspiration.  
  Commercial Fishing Supplies business inspiration.

  Community Centers business inspiration.  
  sports marketing business inspiration.

domestic help ('SPWR )

  household services business inspiration.  
  domestic services business inspiration.  
  financial aid for families, elderly, singles business inspiration.

  placement of domestic helpers business inspiration.  
  placement of house cleaners business inspiration.  
  cleaning of residential business inspiration.

  care services business inspiration.  
  gardening business inspiration.  
  relocation assistance business inspiration.  
  office cleaning business inspiration.

Pet Care ('SPRW )

  pet care business inspiration.

pet food, pet supplies ('SPRW )

  Specialists for pet supplies business inspiration.  
  Specialists for Garden Centers business inspiration.  
  pet food pet supplies and accessories business inspiration.  
  retail pet food and animal needs business inspiration.  
  Retail pet food and pet accessories business inspiration.

  distribution of pet food business inspiration.  
  delivery service for pet food  
  retail natural pet foods business inspiration.  
  direct seller of dog food and accessories business inspiration.

Flowers, Plants ('SPRW )

  florist business inspiration.  
  Seasonal plants business inspiration.

Truth? Changes every 7 days. Come back!
The man who has done his level best, and who is conscious that he has done his best, is a success, even though the world may write him down a failure. - (B. C. Forbes

Go and wake up your cook. - (Arabian proverb

Out of the strain of the doing, Into the peace of the done. - (Julia Woodruff

The frontiers are not east or west, north or south, but wherever a man fronts a fact. - (Henry David Thoreau

Be like the bird that, passing on her flight awhile on boughs too slight, feels them give way beneath her, and yet sings, knowing that she hath wings. - (Victor Hugo


     ▲ KCC-FUTAT -TOP 20€
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purchase = donation for author work + e-book extension.

Your donation motivates the author to add more out of the hundreds of topics that have been prepared. Automatic update service for all purchasers for at least 12 months.
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6 E-books:
fundamental main topic areas of "deep thinking":
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 img  Don't be jealous. From 150 life becomes boring.
health and wellness
►  "The secrets of Centenarians."

At present only in German language, soon also in English.

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Corona: Truth!
     ► the TRUE statistics

     ► danger of totalitarianism

Spread images on the Internet:
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 img  About the e-books:
About the e-books:
Almost everything is new (created 2017...2022).

... is sponsored by third parties.
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► Especially important is the financial contribution for the 6 e-books "deep learning & thinking":      "Optimal Policy", "Economic Knowledge", "Future", "Archetypes", "100-Year-Old", "Classification" (="SPHINX").
► So far each e-book has ~100 pages (A4). Every buyer is at the same time "donor":    Sponsors 1 additional page of text with the purchase. Target is 200 to 300 A4 pages per e-book.
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   They are "meritorious goods" - with no prospect of profit and that's fine for ideal purposes.
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Version "TOP": (20 USD)
   info ► Contains all contents.
► Version "PICCOLO" (~10 USD) is an old version: Only about half of the contents.

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Additional services:
Update: 12 months. Free of charge.
   info ► For A4 variants .pdf: "TOP" (20 USD), "MAESTRO" (50 USD).
► At least for 12 months if/as soon as major enhancements are made. Probably much longer.
► By e-mail. As A4 .pdf (or maybe later .htm).
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If Amazon order:
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► Our software can also generate the .epub format. At the moment we do not see a need for this.
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Your wishes to the author:
Extension wishes?
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► Wishes are then welcome. They help to become more complete.
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► Scope: Usually 1 to 2 additional pages are created in the case of extension requests.
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» _Menu_: Business creation
(MC:) SPA-MENU-EN          EN          DE      FR

(list) = lists as search suggestion

» (list) financing
(MC:) SPB-FINA-EN          EN          DE      FR

» (list) Incorporation / templates
(MC:) UKSUP-CORP-EN          EN          DE      FR

Photo: Above the clouds, freedom has no limits...? But you should then also have to eat...? - AHA7 TOP FREE helps how to fish for success:
   info Photo: Bird and fish. 2009, Terry Ross, Creat.Comm.Attrib.Sh.Al.v2.0 Lic.

Clairvoyance is frowned upon in modern cultures. We have business plans. (Pedro Rosso)

(Photo_1=Liftoff: May 2009, Scott Andrews, Canon, NASA; space shuttle Atlantis; Cape Canaveral, Fla., USA.)

(Photo_2=Bird: 2009, Terry Ross, Creat.Comm.Attrib.Sh.Al.v2.0 Lic.)

How they did it... how you can do it, too... (If you decide to burn your lifetime span for accumulating bank account content.)
(Photo: Château de Cheverny, Loire; 2003 by Thomas Steiner; GNU Free Doc.Lic.v1.2++)

200 sites waiting for your press releases - free. It is intended to maintain here always the most efficient press release tool on the Internet: Access to site lists and instructions how to optimize.

» Your site on 200 media sites
(MC:) PTP-PRESRE-EN          !EN!          DE      FR

Photo:  (B) US government /Dept.of Energy - nuclear arms test (Nevada Test Site, 1951, Operation Buster-Jangle, Charlie)

(Photo: Underwater Civilisation: Sadko in the Underwater Kingdom. By Ilya Yefimovich Repin (1844–1930) in 1876 (photo)graphed with manual pixel assembly. Slavic mythology; books, opera, film Sadko. Right-click on the image - beautyful!

» UNO7 World Citizen Toolbox
(MC:) SUPA-CITIZ-EN          EN          DE      FR

» Liechtenst.banking secrecy: Example
(MC:) SNY-BKS-EFN-EN          !EN!    

» Offshore legal? tax haven..
(MC:) VEY-OFFBAN-EN          !EN!    

» (list) (Europe / valid for EU citizens:) Alsace - 12 months for debt cancellation?
(MC:) ECYW-ALSAC-EN          EN          DE      FR

» _MENU_: True university? Diploma mill?
(MC:) WUPUNIV-EN          EN          DE      FR

       (Photo: 2005, NASA. - Astronaut Stephen K. Robinson, International Space Station’s Canadarm2. Background: Earth’s horizon.)

With the help tool fax7 FAX7 ORGATEXT you will find for the subjects of your choice all free letter templates, samples, prepared application forms available on the Internet.

» _Menu_: Templates & how tos
(MC:) SBAK-MENU-EN          EN          DE      FR

(Photo: A howling wolf in: Wildpark Eekholt,Germany; by Volker.G.; Lic.GNU Free Doc 1.2++)

    (Photo:. _DE_"Eierlegende Wollmilchsau" (colloquial)
_EN_ (literal:) "An egg laying wool milk swine" (a truly versatile 'magic' tool; IT colloquial equivalent: "Jack of all trades (device)")
_FR_ "mouton à 5 pattes qui pond des œufs et qui donne du lait" (colloquial - literal translation: "a sheep with 5 legs which lays eggs and supplies milk") - 'Photo' by Georg Mittenecker and others; Lic.Creat.Comm.Attr.Sh.Alike v2.5 & v2.0)

» _Menu_: Templates & how tos
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JUS7 LEGATEXT : How to become yourself your attorney? - Free contract forms etc. image how to become yourself your lawyer
increase efficiency by using foms: Free forms are helpful.

when the involved interest of a contract can not finance the participation of a legal expert. HERE: Menu: Access to free forms etc. for the most frequent contract types.

» _Menu_: Contract templates
(MC:) UKB-MENU-EN          EN          DE      FR

     (Photo: © 2007 Don Pedro &

These projects are listed here for individual as well as for institutional investors.
   info Image: by Michelangelo (1475-1564): The creation of man by God. - Manual pixel design. - Publ.domain. Photo Zeonodot V.mbH, 2002 2005 GNU Free Doc.Lic..

The image has been cropped and thus not includes an image of God. There are good scientific reasons why a visible image of the creator (more precisely: of the origin of the origin of the universe) can not exist. Furthermore, images of God are prohibited by some religions (for various differing reasons).

"Only when men are connected to large, universal goals are they really happy - and one result of their happiness is a rush of creative activity." (Joyce Carol Oates)

» _MENU_: Capital & fund raising
(MC:) ECBB-MENU-EN          EN          DE      FR

Mininum 15 000 USD (~10 000 EUR)

"CYPONET"? - Is + 11 other Internet activities.
A coherent complex proprietary software environment is the capital - the 'body'. It semi- automatically produces flexible colorful Web sites on demand, including market places, auctions, directories and more.
Information requests: ok @
Please specify the intended amount (10 000 USD or a multiple of it). (In English or FR, DE, ES, RU, or PT.), - Add in the subject line the priority code: _Z-CYPONET
Instant confirmation. - After credible requests for a total of 300 000++ USD, details will be mailed (12% interest rate guaranty).
   info Photo 2007 by Christian Mehlführer, Lionfish (DE: Rotfeuerfisch), Zoo Schönbrunn in Vienna (Austria); Creat. Comm.Attrib. v2.5Lic.

The man who goes fishing gets something more than the fish he catches. (Mary Astor)

   info Photo: 2007, Luc Viatour , GNU Free Doc.Lic.1.2++ --- shows the historical reconstitution of a Roman army Centurion - from 2000 years ago, Boulogne sur Mer (= northern France). A Centurion was the commander of a Century. This originally meant, of 100 men (soldiers).

A man is never so weak as when a woman is telling him how strong he is.
(By the way, she told me how strong this website is. :-)

... Your way out encyclopedia ... compare solutions... rethink your plans.. Next, select your solution of the least evil. - Everything for free: Do it yourself search help.

How to get rid of usury...? 12-month strategies against white-collar gangsters?

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(MC:) ECY-ELSEC-EN        DE
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Truth? Changes every 7 days. Come back!
There are two times in a man's life when he should not speculate: when he can't afford it, and when he can. - (Samuel L. Clemens )

In vain our labours are, whatsoe'er they be, unless God gives the Benediction. - (Robert Herrick

Life has ... taught me not to expect success to be the inevitable result of my endeavors. She taught me to seek sustenance from the endeavor itself, but to leave the result to God. - (Alan Paton

Be God or let God. - (Anonymous

What's done can't be undone. - (William Shakespeare

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