v. July 7, 2022
ULTIMATE E-BOOK - a system for electronic books using Web browsers. e-books which can be read during the next 1000 years.
ULTIMATE E-BOOK - a system for electronic books using Web browsers. e-books which can be read during the next 1000 years.
Editors agreed in distribution of e-books in various proprietary formats. This way they entered a prison. They have lost control over the form of distribution of their books.
Photo: "underwater atomic blast", Matt Knoth, San Francisco - a nice jellyfish.. beauty & harmony.... (Wikimedia Commons) THE SOLUTION:
The solution is a system for electronic books using Web browsers. This system comprises the software-based on-line compilation service as well as the activity of distributing e-books.
The system only uses the basic universal undisputed functionalities of HTML5. utf8 is applied. Consequently, files can be read still in 1000 years in all major languages (at least those which still are spoken in 1000 years). This is on all computing devices. No special hardware required. Not dependant from any hardware or software manufacturer. No need to become the slave of some major company.
Companies come and go - as do fruits like bananas and apples, as do trees like in the Amazonas area, as do buildings with their doors and windows. Or companies just change their hardware or software tools, in order to make customers pay again and again. The only true unversal standard which will work on any future device in your hands for the next 100 and 1000 years, this is HTML5 and utf8. That is what everybody needs. Here it is.
FUNDING / REQUIRED: Up to public availability: 80 000 USD.
Participation as investor: 15 (or more) % from this.
FINANCIAL OFFERS: EBB-PPA-EBKGEN Your msg.(with code above) to forwarder: ok @ fin7.com (This is a module of a more comprehensive overall project. But it can also be financed independently and used.) __________________________________________________
Your donation 50 € for your desired topic. Become a sponsor with 50 USD / EUR for a knowledge gift to all! The new text will then usually be available on this site - for free to all. You can choose:
(1) Either an extension for one of the already available texts and topics;
(2) ... or a first text about a topic in the list on this page, if not already published;
(3) ... or another topic of your choice. For this, it is best to agree on the feasibility before paying in: ok @ uno7.com
» Sponsoring of a topic? 50 / 100 USD (MC:) PPE-DONSUB-EN EN !DE! FR It is sufficient to note what is desired when paying.
Available Services: (Code:) EBB-PPA-EBKGEN-SVC
SERVICE-EXPERT: Short expertises:
US$ 240, EUR 200. Expertise service: Details and order:
SERVICE-CONSULT: Then on request consultant service:
US$ 100...1200, EUR 100...1000. Consultant service: Details and order:
Contact and orders: ok @ uno7.org Free more detailed information. Please note as subject: EBB-PPA-EBKGEN-SER Perhaps also some information about you (not an obligation): Website? Address? Landline phone? Please mention the inquired information in your email. In short, very briefly, quickly, easily. |
Reserve addresses: (helpful if network problems) ok @ infos7.org --- ok @ uno7.com |
Contact for:
(1) investors - (2) donations (Code:) EBB-PPA-EBKGEN-INV
| Address of the current page: ►
English: nospam @ prof7.com
Deutsch (German): nospam @ aha7.com
Französisch (French) : nospam @ aaazzz.com
Espagnol (Spanissh) : nospam @ infos7.org
(Russian, Chinese, Brazilian: Please use the English language.)
Your message should normally include:
Full(!) name, street address, telephone (landline, not mobile phone).
(1) Investment: Appreciated contacts:
► institutional investors; (10 000++)
► professional technology investors;
► individuals (intenions to clarify). (1000++)
(2) Donations, sponsoring, subsidies: Amounts from 500 US$ / EUR: In this case the intended purpose should be agreed in advance.
Only in the English language version of this page is a past description of this same investment opportunity. This past description is a bit similar but is not identical. Here it is:
read this page in 50 other languages
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(▲ VAE-STUDAP - 10€)
purchase = donation
for author work + e-book extension.
Your donation motivates the author to add more out of the hundreds of topics that have been prepared. Automatic update service for all purchasers for at least 12 months.
platforms to join in by your mouse click at the top of the page: texts in 50 languages, menus in EN DE FR ES
UND7.ORG united for democracy Join in right away- Petitions! (still baby state) Votre adresse mail suffit.
Join in right away! Crowdfunding! (still baby state)
Spread images on the Internet:
(please: screenshot of the image, then distribute)
About the e-books:
Almost everything is new (created 2017...2022).
... is sponsored by third parties.
They are "meritorious goods" - with no prospect of profit and that's fine for ideal purposes.
Therefore: "Purchase = Donation".
Version "TOP": (20 USD)
Version "MAESTRO": (50 USD): Identical, but:
... Text requests are possible, see below.
Previous payments:
How can they be credited?
Additional services:
Update: 12 months. Free of charge.
If Amazon order:
(~10 €):
Your wishes to the author:
Extension wishes?
(to authors)
Please spread the word... these web addresses (on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, forums, etc.).
These projects are listed here for individual as well as for institutional investors.
(image) menus:
» _MENU_: Capital & fund raising (MC:) ECBB-MENU-EN EN DE FR
» Buy the future: 100 ++ projects (MC:) ECK-AMENU-EN !EN! DE FR
» FIN7 financing innovation (MC:) EBW-CROWDFUN-EN !EN! DE FR projects waiting for money for quite all the links of this long list; truth, science, statistics:
» Economic forecasting. (Proj.) (MC:) EBB-KCE-FUTU-EN EN DE
» recalculation of statistics (MC:) EBB-KCE-RECA-EN EN DE
» PSEUCALC anti-pseudo-science. (MC:) EBB-KKY-PSEUC-EN EN DE knowledge, educatiion, deep thinking:
» Project: Sphinx Classification (MC:) EBB-KKS-SPHIN-EN EN DE
» PILLDOUNG - gain deep knowledge (MC:) EBB-KWK-BILDUN-EN EN DE
» Archetypes: Encyclopedia Project (MC:) EBB-KBA-ENCY-EN EN DE
» simulation: brain-type idea processing. (MC:) EBB-KKA-PHAN-EN EN DE
» PLURANTO: everbody can program. (MC:) EBB-CEB-PLUR-EN !EN! DE languages:
» Fast language learning (proj.) (MC:) EBB-JJA-LIMAX-EN EN DE publishing, automatic authors, etc.:
» your e-book in HTML5: 1000 years (MC:) EBB-PPA-EBKGEN-EN EN DE
» FRANCKEINSTEIN personalized publishing (MC:) EBB-PPA-FRANCK-EN EN DE
» Publishing robot system. (MC:) EBB-PPB-AUTPUB-EN EN DE
» CYPONET Internet market place innovation (MC:) EBB-PWS-CYPNET-EN EN DE wnvironment, climate, energy, etc.:
» Projects: Energy, Environment (MC:) EBB-TEE-ENER-EN EN DE
» Project: Climate, Environment (MC:) EBB-TER-CLIMA-EN EN DE
» Natural Traditional Constructing (project) (MC:) EBB-TRE-NATUR-EN EN DE economic policy, institutions:
» alternate economic knowledge (MC:) VAE-AMENU-EN EN !DE! FR
» Projects: Science and Politics (MC:) EBB-VEY-CAPITA-EN EN DE
» Is pensioner poverty inevitable? (project) (MC:) EBB-VEY-POVE-EN EN DE
» Class action in Europe (proj.). (MC:) EBB-UBE-CLASS-EN EN DE health and longer life:
» NATROST: Project / health. (MC:) EBB-YAA-FINA-EN EN DE
» Projects: health insurance (MC:) EBB-YBV-INSUR-EN EN DE your projects: financial resources
» Lease Your Start-up! (MC:) EBB-ECT-STARR-EN EN DE FR
» FIN7 financing innovation (MC:) EBW-CROWDFUN-EN !EN! DE FR
» Buy the future: 100 ++ projects (MC:) ECK-AMENU-EN !EN! DE FR
» Humor: Capital raising / projects. (MC:) ECBJW-HUMOR-EN EN !DE! FR
» Humor: Venture Capital tycoons. (MC:) ECBJW-VCTYCOON-EN !EN! DE FR
» Humor: VC media manipulation (MC:) ECBJW-MMANIP-EN EN !DE! FR
» FIN7 financing innovation (MC:) ECT-HYPOK-EN DE
» True Venture Capital sources (MC:) ECBD-FINFACT-EN EN !DE! FR
» Crowd financing, crowd funding (MC:) ECBD-COLECT-EN EN !DE! FR money for your projects: fin7.com (temporarily fin7,com is not to acess)
» _Menu_: Get money! fin7.com (MC:) ECAW-MENU-EN EN DE FR
» Promotion - how? fin7.com (MC:) ECAW-PROMOT-EN EN DE FR
» Fees? fin7.com (MC:) ECAW-COSTS-EN !EN! DE FR
» Prospectus - how? fin7.com (MC:) ECAW-PROSPEC-EN !EN! DE FR
» What is prohibited? fin7.com (MC:) ECAW-PROHIB-EN !EN! DE FR
» Transfer of shares, loans / how? fin7.com (MC:) ECAW-TRANSF-EN !EN! DE FR
» financ.agreements/how? fin7.com (MC:) ECAW-REGLEM-EN !EN! DE FR Loan? Shares? Donations? fin7.com (temporarily fin7,com is not to acess)
» find lenders - on fin7.com (MC:) ECAW-RELOAN-EN !EN! DE FR
» find active partners / on fin7.com (MC:) ECAW-REPARTS-EN !EN! DE FR
» find investors - on fin7.com (MC:) ECAW-REINVES-EN !EN! DE FR
» crowdfinancing - on fin7.com (MC:) ECAW-REMIXFIN-EN !EN! DE FR
» crowdfunding - on fin7.com (MC:) ECAW-REMIXSUB-EN !EN! DE FR
money investment: innovation makes rich fin7.com
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ok @ uno7.com
© Content + proprietary software: Copyright 1996 - 2022 CYB.PLAN.SOFTEX_Ltd_,UK +_author (for_own_content). Photos: Wikimedia Commons, Pixabay, editor photos, + some others. - All photos should soon include the source specification. We are working on this.
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