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v. July 7, 2022
It does not yet work on fin7.com at this point of time. It is planned to implement it within 7 days. Please also read the explanations for crowdfinancing - for example when financing a business. Many of these explanations also apply to crowdfunding (for collecting donations). » crowdfinancing - on fin7.com (MC:) ECAW-REMIXFIN-EN !EN! DE FR
Campaigns on all such sites will usually have no success if you do not make your own marketing for it. This is also valid for: fin7.com In addition, there is no success to expect if you do not ask your friends to register first amounts within several days. Some major crowd funding sites remove campaigns which do not fulfill this condition. This removal from project browsing might happen within 7 days or so. Consequently some major crowd funding sites do not display properly the whole volume of projects which are so far without any funder. The same is frequently the case for campaigns which ended definitely without success. fin7.com does not exclude your offerings from the search system. They are displayed for your choice of time - up to 2 years. But a project becomes automatically invisible on the web for others if you order to suspend it. Expired projects will mostly be removed from public visibility. Precise rules about automatic removal from public visibility will defined later. In your user personal user menu you will always keep access to past projects if you do not remove them definiteily. fin7.com differs because there is no expressive input scheme of promises to contributers.
fin7.com does not collect the funds on some own bank account. By collecting and transferring the funds, most other crowd funding sites become the contractual partner, some kind of a trustee. This 3-lateral relationship can cause legal problems if participating persons are from different countries with differing national legislations. fin7.com is an international site. So it had to be done in a different manner. On fin7.com you have therefore a total freedom how to define within your project description all what donors will receive. A further advantage is that have only one single input screen for all details of your project. You can enter it instantly without a learning curve and you can later modify details. A significant advantage is that you can opt for a deadline of up to 24 months, but you can already make use of contributions. You have a free choice how to organize such agreements. You should study typical crowdfunding sites in order to conceive efficient perks, gifts, services and honors for donors. Later modification of your description Please remember the general rule: If you downsize the project volume or if you reduce the advantages for donors, you have to declare this in an expressive manner before asking for the payment.
Low fees, excepted small projects An additional advantage of the differing concept of fin7.com is: The site applies a very low fee for projects above 10 000 US$ / EUR. For smaller projects below a total amount of 2000 US$ or EUR it is recommended to use instead one of many usual typical crowdfunding sites. fin7.com does not fit to smaller projects. It is useful for project sizes of 5000 US$ / EUR or more. Taxation aspects A general rule is that taxation aspects have to be observed. Taxation aspects are important if the total amount is evidently above a hobby status, like 5000 US$ / EUR or more. Contributions of donors may not result in tax advantages for them if the project has not the corresponding authorization from the tax administration. But donors can possibly deduct their payment if they acquire something related to their own professional activity. It is not intended to analyze taxation aspects here in detail. It was just a reminder. It is not important to investigate such aspects the same day when entering a project on fin7.com. You can add later information related to taxation aspects. When finally asking people to send the money, at that point of time the taxation aspects should have been clarified.
This concerns the single amounts for perks for donors, like DVDs, awards, invitations, product delivery and so on. Why amounts like 3 or 10? If you want to create a user community. If somebody paid at any point of time something to you, this creates a stronger lifetime relationship than getting something for free. This is even the case of for example only 3 or 10 US$ or EUR. This is why small amounts can make sense in the case of crowdfunding. Typical amounts for a major volume of contributions are 20 or more, up to 200 US$ or EUR. Amounts of 200 or more are very important when collecting donations for a project needing thousands or ten thousands of US$ / EUR. But for higher amounts it is important to define what these donors will get. The experience is: Higher amounts are to obtain if they are profitable, for example 50 ebooks for resellers.
Mainly for culture (like film makers, book authors, music, cultural events) and for coordinators of projects of common interest For such projects crowd funding is a good solution. It worked for this since the beginning of human civilisation. Appreciated: Projects for health by living in a natural healthy manner. This includes projects for healthy natural food. Example: Projects for weight loss recommendations based on a healthy natural living style. Appreciated: Projects against poverty. Much appreciated: Low-cost technology adapted to the specifics of developing countries. All more emotional charity projects should be backed by registered organisations. Examples: Schools in Africa (south of the Sahara) Charity projects collecting donations with a marketing based on emotions may be of outstanding value. But to avoid abuse, the organizations behind such projects should be specified in detail within the project description. Anyway, without this it would be difficult to get donations.
Not allowed: All kind of collecting funds for medication, pills, medical treatment. This is due to corresponding regulations in most modern countries. Also prohibited are even projects for health drugs and pills for which public marketing und unrestricted distribution is authorized in your country or in all countries. Example: Weight loss methods may not be registered.if they include the sale of products or any kind of medical or other special treatment. Not allowed: Charity for individual emotional purposes, like individual health treatment. Abuse is easy because the required amounts may be high, control is difficult and the emotional factor has a significant impact to obtain donations.
"crowdfunding" is that many contributors enable a project of common interest. The common interest might be that of all of us or might concern a group or might concern all those who contribute. This might among others also finance a project resulting in a commercial product or service for the contributors. The essential is: The money goes and never returns. "crowdfinancing" is not the same and even not really similar. In the case of crowdfinancing: Those who contribute, they want to receive some financial return. It is not spending money but investing money. It creates "capital". History: Crowdfunding exists since the beginning of human civilization. Even many animals or most animals use variants of crowdfunding. - Crowdfunding in the digital world started with concepts like shareware. There was also since 1983 or so a significant volume of freeware and free educational data asking for donations. The many "crowdfunding" sites in the years since 2007 are only a specific variant. These sites look so similar because all successful concepts on the Internet will be cloned. Complete cloning services for such crowdfunding sites are availabe. Crowdfunding in just the same style but for own projects can be added as a module for software packages like WORDPRESS or JOOMLA. There is no rule or law that crowdfunction sites have to look this way. While clone software in this style can easily be obtained, this is not a reason to use it. For various reasons the concept adopted by fin7.com differs very much from the mainstream design. More general information is at the end of text on the page about crowdfinancing (not: "funding"): » crowdfinancing - on fin7.com (MC:) ECAW-REMIXFIN-EN !EN! DE FR
![]() ► Complete designation: More about this in the e-book "Teach Yourself Economics." "TOP" - VAE-STUDAT ► This is the latest and complete version .pdf and gets 12++ months updates. ▲ VAE-STUDAM - MAESTRO 50€ ![]() ► Complete designation: More about this in the e-book "Teach Yourself Economics." "MAESTRO" - VAE-STUDAM ► The e-book content is identical wth the version "TOP". ► This includes (by additional 30€) a sponsoring (donation) for addtional contents... and it includes your right to opt for the extension of a topic of your choice: 1 or 2 author hours will be supplied as thanks for this donation. (▲ VAE-STUDAP - 10€) ![]() ► Complete designation: More about this in the e-book "Teach Yourself Economics." "PICCOLO" - VAE-STUDAP ► This is a shorter past version (~50 percent of contents) which is able to be read with E-Book-Readers. This can not include the additional more recent chapters with A4 tables (lists) and long link lines. purchase = donation for author work + e-book extension. Your donation motivates the author to add more out of the hundreds of topics that have been prepared. Automatic update service for all purchasers for at least 12 months.
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