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   v. July 7, 2022
How to promote on the Internet your project in order to find investors. (after registering your project on

Finally and really money for your projects?

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How to enter your project?

» Promotion - how?
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» Fees?
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» Prospectus - how?
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» financ.agreements/how?
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Loan? Shares? Donations?

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for Investors: Innovation makes rich

» for Investors: Information - for
(MC:) ECAW-INVINF-EN          !EN!          DE      FR is extended every week.

Coming now: (1) More for user interaction, cooperation, submit variants for invest offers. (2) Image gallery.
(Extending functions may be less stable during several days. Bug feedback to the software maker: nospam @ )

Ask for money for your projects:
Click here: "Flash speed": You can immediately and instantly register your project needing to be financed. 20 minutes are sufficient. Boring preparation is not required. Just get started, type your description, and the job is done.
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Your ideas are welcome. We are proud to have the in-house skills to implement them. But sorry to tell the truth, even more welcome is your money as future co-investor of .

Contact: ok @

(a) For paid services related to the content of this page.
(b) If you want to invest in this site or in or in various related sites.

(c) If you want so suggest modifications of the text.

For example to respect legal aspects; or just in order to improve the "international" English language level of this page to "true" English. - Please copy the original text into your email. Then please add the rectification.

No own promotion - no money

It is a frequent error to believe that the registration of a project would result in finding investors or donors.

It is far more realistic to consider sites like and the many sites for crowdfunding as an organized coordinator for your own event of collecting contributions. Normally it only works under the condition of your own marketing with the link of your projects. You should communicate this to your friends, within forums and all other communication forms on the Internet.

The first 20 to 25 % of the required funds for a project are typically not offered by unknown persons but typically from persons which you already know. It is helpful to place your project for this on a regular site for projects. This way your project gets credibility and proves how it is competitive with many other projects. would be a good plaform choice if you need 50 000 US$ or a bit less or more for innovation projects, Internet projects, software projects. This is the typical project type on .

Will such projects risk to be misinterpreted when in competition with hundreds of 2 000 US$ or Euro projects looking for donors giving definitely their money for culture or charity? We do not know. Sites for such forms of crowdfunding are much appreciated here. So we de not want to compare.

Why it is better to place a project on a project site before asking your friends to participate?

Your first contributors of the 20 or 25 % of the needed funds will typically be friends or family members. They would mostly not have been willing to do so when just asking them for money. Or you would even not have dared to ask them in a direct manner for money.

Now they can decide their contribution without the feeling that they have some obligation for doing so. And they can compare on your project with others and state that your project and your financing approach is a very normal matter in this world. It leaves the feeling: "Should I make a gift for some strange personal private hobby goal?" - It switches to the feeling: "This is business, is investment, is professional".

In addition, there is the specific advantage that helps that well-balanced agreements will be conceived with equal rights for all investors.

And: Whenever problems will be communicated for projects financed during the last years with fees paid to , it will be tried to show possible solutions. Small businesses do not have the financial resources to pay high quality consultants for the many possible problems. So the typical procedure might be that helpful information will be added on the public Internet. The link to it will be communicated. There is already a huge library of helpful information on .

As soon as 20 or 25 % of the required funds have been registered for a project, other private investors tend to follow.

People who did not know from you and from your project until now, will typically only consider a contribution when your project has got credibility by the coverage of 20 or 25 %. This is the current prevailing analysis result of current behavior habits on crowdfunding sites.

But these additional contributors are also typically not just site visitors. These, too, typically have been invited by the coordinator of the specific project. So this part of the procedure, too, does normally only work if communication the project link on social networks.

Be prepared that only between 0,1 and 1 % of invited persons will consider to take part in financing your project. This means that you have to invite between 100 and 1000 persons before getting an amount of for example 300 US$.

Financial platforms for project registration like and many others give credibility to your project. But they do not contribute much for bringing investors or lenders or donors. You will have to do the marketing for your project.

We are sorry to destroy the frequent illusion that project registration an financial platforms is sufficient to get perhaps the money. This easy success might be possible in theory but it rarely occurs in reality. Hence be prepared to do the marketing.

How to get short versions of the project link?

Sites to convert the project link to a short version.

If you create a true link on the Internet for your project, the complete address should be used. This is because it is faster and it enables the visitor to deal with addressing problems if any. Tiny links should therefore only be used if there is some valid reason for this.

You can list a lot of services for tiny URLs when entering in the search field on top of this page:
             how to shorten links

How to choose among the many services for shorter links?

(1) The service should exist since many years.
(2) The links should never expire.
(3) It should not be correlated to major services (like Facebook, Google, Twitter, Yahoo, Microsoft ot any other majore player.

Example: is active since 2002 and probably also conforms to (2) and (3).

A good comparison about 10 variants:

This comparison is from 2008. Hence all listed services exist now at least several years as far as they are still alive.

The very special links of

The links include the coding of the environment: The user language and the screen size. On the screen top you can click on the corresponding options. The recipient can change them there.

The main importance of this is for the screen size. You can create the links of your project for various devices. Display is then properly adapted. Typically you would create link variants for screen sizes like:

19'' (normal standard PC)
15'' (notebooks, netbooks)
10'' (mobile devices like netbooks and tablet computers)
5'' (smartphones)

Typically you would only use and distribute the first of these variants. Statistics show that most transactions on the Internet by experienced users and consumers are made on true and efficient desktop computers. Down-sized and down-graded tiny mobile devices are rarely used for serious transaction tasks.

But depending from the form of link communication the other variants might be helpful, too. The software automatically adapts many display functions to the preselected screen size. The user can then adapt the size option on the page top to any other screen size of his choice.

Truth? Changes every 7 days. Come back!
When it is a question of money, everybody is of the same religion. - (Voltaire )

A fool and his money are soon parted. - (George Buchanan )

Wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things. - (Bible )

Men are more often bribed by their loyalties and ambitions than by money. - (Robert H. Jackson )

Making money is fun, but it's pointless if you don't use the power it brings. - (John Bentley )


Truth? Changes every 7 days. Come back!
"Clairvoyance is frowned upon nowadays. We are living in modern times. We have business plans. " (Pedro Rosso)

Some people's money is merited and other people's is inherited. - (Ogden Nash )

If a man has money, it is usually a sign too, that he knows how to take care of it; don't imagine his money is easy to get simply because he has plenty of it. - (Edgar Watson Howe )

With money in your pocket, you are wise, and you are handsome, and you sing well too. - (Jewish proverb )

Laws go where dollars please. - (Portuguese proverb )

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     ▲ VAE-STUDAT -TOP 20€
   info ► Order code and amount like here above..
► Complete designation: More about this in the e-book "Teach Yourself Economics." "TOP" - VAE-STUDAT
► This is the latest and complete version .pdf and gets 12++ months updates.

   info ► Order code and amount like here above..
► Complete designation: More about this in the e-book "Teach Yourself Economics." "MAESTRO" - VAE-STUDAM
► The e-book content is identical wth the version "TOP".
► This includes (by additional 30€) a sponsoring (donation) for addtional contents... and it includes your right to opt for the extension of a topic of your choice: 1 or 2 author hours will be supplied as thanks for this donation.

             (▲ VAE-STUDAP - 10€)
   info ► Order code and amount like here above..
► Complete designation: More about this in the e-book "Teach Yourself Economics." "PICCOLO" - VAE-STUDAP
► This is a shorter past version (~50 percent of contents) which is able to be read with E-Book-Readers. This can not include the additional more recent chapters with A4 tables (lists) and long link lines.

purchase = donation for author work + e-book extension.

Your donation motivates the author to add more out of the hundreds of topics that have been prepared. Automatic update service for all purchasers for at least 12 months.
 img  Battle undecided: Who owns the truth?

to join in

by your mouse click at the top of the page: texts in 50 languages, menus in EN DE FR ES

   Think !tnereffid

_EN_    _DE_    _FR_    _ES_
100++ profitable projects for your money:
   _EN_    _DE_    _FR_    _ES_

 img Knowledge? - Wisdom!
   _EN_    _DE_    _FR_    _ES_

 img  united for democracy
UND7.ORG    united for democracy
Join in right away- Petitions!
(still baby state)
  Votre adresse mail suffit.

   _EN_    _DE_    _FR_    _ES_
Join in right away! Crowdfunding!
(still baby state)

   _EN_    _DE_    _FR_    _ES_

 img  6 E-books:
6 E-books:
fundamental main topic areas of "deep thinking":
   _EN_    _DE_    _FR_    (_ES_)

 img  Don't be jealous. From 150 life becomes boring.
health and wellness
►  "The secrets of Centenarians."

At present only in German language, soon also in English.

 img  <br/> At present only in German language, soon also in English.
Corona: Truth!
     ► the TRUE statistics

     ► danger of totalitarianism

Spread images on the Internet:
(please: screenshot of the image, then distribute)

 img  About the e-books:
About the e-books:
Almost everything is new (created 2017...2022).

... is sponsored by third parties.
   info ► Perhaps some support also by you: 20 USD? 50 USD?
► (The obsolete version 10USD ("PICCOLO") was only necessary because of distribution rules and cannot contribute much.)

► Especially important is the financial contribution for the 6 e-books "deep learning & thinking":      "Optimal Policy", "Economic Knowledge", "Future", "Archetypes", "100-Year-Old", "Classification" (="SPHINX").
► So far each e-book has ~100 pages (A4). Every buyer is at the same time "donor":    Sponsors 1 additional page of text with the purchase. Target is 200 to 300 A4 pages per e-book.
► For at least 12 months after purchase, you will automatically receive the respective extended version as a .pdf file free of charge.
   They are "meritorious goods" - with no prospect of profit and that's fine for ideal purposes.
Therefore: "Purchase = Donation".

Version "TOP": (20 USD)
   info ► Contains all contents.
► Version "PICCOLO" (~10 USD) is an old version: Only about half of the contents.

Version "MAESTRO": (50 USD): Identical, but:
... Text requests are possible, see below.
Previous payments:
   info ► Example: You bought for about 9 USD - and later from the same(!) e-book theme a more expensive version
You simply pay the difference. Please note this when ordering / paying. Creditable but only for the same e-book topic.
Order processing is currently still done manually. So this works problem-free.
   How can they be credited?

Additional services:
Update: 12 months. Free of charge.
   info ► For A4 variants .pdf: "TOP" (20 USD), "MAESTRO" (50 USD).
► At least for 12 months if/as soon as major enhancements are made. Probably much longer.
► By e-mail. As A4 .pdf (or maybe later .htm).
► variant PICCOLO (~10 USD): No update delivery.

If Amazon order:
   info ► Supplied in the small KINDLE format.
► This is the version "PICCOLO".
► Our software can also generate the .epub format. At the moment we do not see a need for this.
   (~10 €):

Your wishes to the author:
Extension wishes?
   info ► This is only for the more expensive "MAESTRO"-editions a bit financially covered.
► Wishes are then welcome. They help to become more complete.
► However, please do not have to high expectations. Furthermore, for many things there is no simple short answer.

► Scope: Usually 1 to 2 additional pages are created in the case of extension requests.
   (to authors)
Please spread the word... these web addresses (on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, forums, etc.).

Truth? Changes every 7 days. Come back!
By the time a man is rich enough to sleep late, he's too old to enjoy it. - (Anonymous )

Money doesn't always bring happiness. People with $10 million are no happier than people with $9 million. - (Hobart Brown )

To be clever enough to get all that money, one must be stupid enough to want it. - (G. K. Chesterton )

Money can't buy you happiness, but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery. - (Spike Milligan )

We forget that money gives its value - that someone exchanged work for it. - (Neal O'Hara )

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