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v. July 7, 2022
Your initial description on fin7.com should be attractive for investors. There is no specific rule. To be convincing, at least 100 lines may be required (100 * 70 =7000 characters). Instead you might specify links to more detailed descriptions on your own Website. You should take care that this link is valid during the whole duration of your suggestion. You can update the description and its links at any point of time. Tolerance: On fin7.com you are responsible to obsere regulation rules related to the financial markets. Regulation is not a major problem for descriptions on: fin7.com - because the site rule is that financial offers by investors are not yet binding in a contractual sense. In most or all developed countries it is not regulated if individuals advertise that they would like to find investors for their own business, based on individual agreements. So the regulation aspects are mostly eliminated. As soon as you are negotiating with individual investors an individual agreement, it is typically not any more a "public offering of shares". But please be aware that the site of fin7.com did not check this in detail for any country. The regulation rules differ very much between the countries. You will have to check this on the Internet for your country. Other more general legal rules require that your description is correct and does not make exaggerated promises. Take care to communicate facts and to declare hopes about the future as hopes. Help by fin7.com&nbssp;? The coordination of fin7.com includes to help how to observe legal rules during later negotiation with your investors. This can not be done as some kind of legal consult. For typical amounts like between 10 000 and 50 000 US$ of collected funds it would be difficult for the bussiness owner to finance professional specialized legal consult. Therefore nobody expects from small businesses to comply with the legal framework of huge corporations. Those who pay properly the agreed site fees for their obtained investment amounts, can communicate their problems and questions when conceiving the agreements with their investors. They will get links to information pages which help to find the best answers for most typical questions. If required for new problems, new information pages might be created.
"IPO"? Wikipedia: "An initial public offering (IPO) or stock market launch is a type of public offering where shares of stock in a company are sold to the general public, on a securities exchange, for the first time. Through this process, a private company transforms into a public company." You should also study on Wikipedia how to supply information for your investors. Search on Wikipedia for: Red herring prospectus How to imitate the IPO documentation for the case of a small company? For a smaller company - up to 50 000 or 100 000 US$ - nobody would expect to get a documentation like for the IPO of a 100 million US$ company. So the observation of usual IPO rules and habits is just a guideline which type of documents and information to include. You do not need to pay experts for supplying documents and for verifying your information. For smaller amounts it is sufficient to include some convincing proof for the communicated facts and to offer a realistic possibility of verification. It is also helpful to include for facts the participation by an accountant or a lawyer or a bank. You might consider this as a first step to prepare your documents and your mind for the later option to sell your company or to make an IPO on a securities exchange for smaller companies. Tolerance: On fin7.com you are responsible for regulation aspects.
For private investors it is a good choice to make a downgraded version of the prospectus required by the IPO regulation for major companies. For the serious purpose to live in peace with private investors during many years to come, there is good reason why and how the securities exchange regulators defined information packages for an IPO. Business plans about the future are not a main content. Facts and realities count. This is also an advantage in case of legal disputes. There are hundreds of years of experience which results in these now worldwide prevailing concepts of on IPO prospectus. Most banks and awards and subsidizing bureaucracies might ask for five year business plans, it might be useful to supply them in addition what they want. When their priority is to believe in prophecy before supplying money, then you should supply them prophecy. Superstition accompanied mankind since the beginning of civilization. The priority of an IPO prospectus is to supply facts which have to be true and which can be controlled. In case of a new business, the major fact is the knowledge level and experience and success intention of the persons behind the business and the various possible goals and the way like the money will be spent. So far it covers with recommendations for business plans. But the major part of typical business plans is the calculation of the future. To ask to specify the activity volume and the profit level to obtain in 3 or 5 or more years, this is nonsense for most types of new businesses. The business plan philosophy might fit for local services like coffee shops, fast food shops and restaurants. These have a local micro-monopoly and this can (within limits) be counted and calculated. Such methods of business plans do not fit for singular activities or extremely competitive open markets, s like Internet activities, innovation, software. But just this is where private investors are needed and where they have good reason to invest their money.
The huge business plan "industry". There are probably millions of help pages on the Internet how to make your business plan. A whole industry is living from tools for business plans. Probably more than 100 000 employees worldwide are paid for checking business plans. Probably more then 200 000 persons worldwide earn their living by all kind of help services how to make business plans. This is the major "productive" effect of the prevailing business plan culture. Is the business plan approach too primitive, too hypothetical, too limited, too irrational and too bureaucratic? The business plan concept does not conform to the need of professional analysis. What is the value of supplying with the business plan a prophecy of your opinion about an unknown future? In 1914, was there any economist who announced for German investors that all their money savings would be wiped out 10 years later by a huge inflation in 1924? In 1914 was there any economist who announced for French investors that their huge investment in Russian railway bonds would be a zero value 3 years later? Are business plans just a nice product to make bank clerks foolishly believe that they possess some kind of truth related to an unknown future? - No. Business plans are useful for the many many new local small businesses financed with the helo of local banks. For innovation and competitive markets a business plan is not a value but a risk factor. Business plans are a real helpful proof of the contractually authorized spending. I is helpful for the employees of the money lenders to have a business plan when money is spent by banks or public funds. The employsees can this way easily prove the frequent penal code violations by business founders. Nearly nobody will be able to fully comply with his own business plan. So the bank employees can in most cases of later bankruptcy prove that this was not a result of their own evaluation error. It also helps banks to exercise pressure based an penal code aspects. This is a frequent strategy if there is no final business success. If the family members of the business creator want to avoid major image problems for the family, then they have to help to pay the debt. Defining the future spending, this does not fit for dynamic business strategies like for the Internet, for software, for innovation. There may be the need to redefine the strategy every month, or even to vary the business goal or to play with alternate goal options. Just these businesses are the most promising investment opportunities for private investors. If your new business avoided a problem by changing the strategy, the private investor will say: "I expected from you just this." - A public subsidizing bank might say: "You violated the contract because the business plan is defined as part of the agreement. Conforming to article ... of the contract, we ask you to pay all received funds back within 3 months." When looking for private investors, their main task is to try to guess - like you - the unknown future. Your task is to supply them not just a prophecy but first of all the facts: The products, the current present values, the persons and their professional background. This has of course to include in addition the definition of the goals, the plans, the expected future. There should also be the specification of alternate goals and strategies in case of unexpected difficulties or in case of changing market constellations. A bank employee wants that the numbers fit to his scoring software. A private investor wants to know if the music will play. The European Union subsidy bureaucracy was in this field, too, the Master of the Universe. A stated reason by the EU administratiion for refusing a subsidy application: You did not use the Excel software from Microsoft for your financial planning. You can be sure that a private investor and fin7.com will never never care with which software you created your calculation. Do you understand the difference? Thanks to the EU bureaucrats to supply this perfect proof why something like fin7.com is needed, and why you will rely on private investors if you want to be dynamic in some innovative domain.
![]() ► Complete designation: More about this in the e-book "Teach Yourself Economics." "TOP" - VAE-STUDAT ► This is the latest and complete version .pdf and gets 12++ months updates. ▲ VAE-STUDAM - MAESTRO 50€ ![]() ► Complete designation: More about this in the e-book "Teach Yourself Economics." "MAESTRO" - VAE-STUDAM ► The e-book content is identical wth the version "TOP". ► This includes (by additional 30€) a sponsoring (donation) for addtional contents... and it includes your right to opt for the extension of a topic of your choice: 1 or 2 author hours will be supplied as thanks for this donation. (▲ VAE-STUDAP - 10€) ![]() ► Complete designation: More about this in the e-book "Teach Yourself Economics." "PICCOLO" - VAE-STUDAP ► This is a shorter past version (~50 percent of contents) which is able to be read with E-Book-Readers. This can not include the additional more recent chapters with A4 tables (lists) and long link lines. purchase = donation for author work + e-book extension. Your donation motivates the author to add more out of the hundreds of topics that have been prepared. Automatic update service for all purchasers for at least 12 months.
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