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v. July 7, 2022
![]() THE PROBLEM: Is there a global saving glut? Is there a permanent inevitable lacking balance? Are there worldwide in all future too many accumulated savings with respect to accumulated investment opportunities? The causes of successive financial crises are often described with vague terms in the sense of a "money glut". Let us look at the facts rather than vague opinions. A worldwide aging population will soon require for any person a fictitious pension capital of around 0.5 million USD. The sustainable world population will probably be around 10 _billion_ people. (European counting rules: 10 _milliard_ .) (_billions_ / _milliard_ are frequently confounded even by journalists,). That is a total of about 5 _sextillion_ USD of required accumulated investment capital? ("5 _trilliard_ " or 5000 _trillion_ USD in the sense of the European continental counting rules. --- 5 "_sextillion_ " USD as defined by U.S. counting rules.) Additional competitors for investment opportunities: government funds, commodity profit makers (petroleum, ..., ...), money creation between banks, and more. And now the subject becomes interesting: Does the earth possess accumulated investment opportunities of over 5 _sixtillion_ (_trilliard_) USD? Does the total of worldwide economic assets cover this total investment demand? - (Assets measured in reproduction cost minus asset aging effects. This figutes is more than 10 000 times of the German federal budget,). Or is there an inevitable global trend of forced impoverishment for pensioners? - The result of a precise analysis could be astonishing. Perhaps retirement savings would no longer grow through interest. Possibly aging persons have to accept to get later only, for example, around half of their former savings. This would mean a generalized deflation for all low-risk forms of investment. Such a result would conform to the rules of market economy. Something in too much demand is too expensive and causes permanent investors losses. Security-oriented investors would have to pay a negative interest rate. Would your bank account have a negative interest? Is this perhaps already the case? Most banks consider bank accounts for customers nowadays mainly as a relationship tool in order to earn commissions. Most account holders know that their earnings from money, reduced by taxes, typically are below the inflation rate. What is the difference between this situation and a negative interest rate? INFORMATION: prof7.com / start page, headline: "INVEST SOS" THE SOLUTION: The global values of national statistics have to be calculated. This requires complex conversion algorithms. The modifying factors are related to the purchasing power, related to a price level correction, related to the market prices versus the reproduction values of assets, etc.. After completion of this rough calculation, the results should be available per Internet. This way the result can be viewed by journalists, by decision makers and by all Internat users. It is suspected that there is a global deficit of investment opportunitities related to the global nvestment demand. If there is such a shortfall, this could lead to major financial crises as a permanent state. Such a constellation might finally result in resource-oriented world wars. In the case of a current timely analysis, it would be possible to counteract against these threats. This might be achieved through a new orientation related to social security systems. FUNDING / REQUIRED: _1_ The calculation system and its application. _2_ A software and retrieval system on the Internet for the results. _3_ Administration for information access in the 10 major world languages. _4_ And above all, developing the economic policy implications with recommendations for action. Examples: Legislation in favor of condominiums, preferred stock, higher bank capital ratios, etc.. These are complex tasks. This is not feasible with a low and limited budget. But amounts of 4000 USD or more could finance first major useful steps. Funding of this project should initially be considered as a lost donation in favor of a task of common interest. But here is the rule that all projects should try to become later a profitable business model. In case of such a later success, the prior donations to a projects will possibly be converted into shareholder investment. In this case, the earnings could be distributed to the respective shareholders. FINANCIAL OFFERS: EBB-VEY-POVE Your msg.(with code above) to forwarder: ok @ fin7.com (This is a module of a more comprehensive overall project. But it can also be financed independently and used.)
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![]() ► Complete designation: More about this in the e-book "Teach Yourself Economics." "TOP" - VAE-STUDAT ► This is the latest and complete version .pdf and gets 12++ months updates. ▲ VAE-STUDAM - MAESTRO 50€ ![]() ► Complete designation: More about this in the e-book "Teach Yourself Economics." "MAESTRO" - VAE-STUDAM ► The e-book content is identical wth the version "TOP". ► This includes (by additional 30€) a sponsoring (donation) for addtional contents... and it includes your right to opt for the extension of a topic of your choice: 1 or 2 author hours will be supplied as thanks for this donation. (▲ VAE-STUDAP - 10€) ![]() ► Complete designation: More about this in the e-book "Teach Yourself Economics." "PICCOLO" - VAE-STUDAP ► This is a shorter past version (~50 percent of contents) which is able to be read with E-Book-Readers. This can not include the additional more recent chapters with A4 tables (lists) and long link lines. purchase = donation for author work + e-book extension. Your donation motivates the author to add more out of the hundreds of topics that have been prepared. Automatic update service for all purchasers for at least 12 months.
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