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Archetypes: Knowledge, wisdom, education, "deep thinking". Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:
» Archetypes of Civilization (MC:) KBA-ARCA-EN !EN! DE » Pseudoscience: How to expose the mischief? How to convict the perpetrators of pseudoscience? Here are the 10 basic control steps on how anyone can recognize and refute a pseudo-science:
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) KKY-DETEC-EN True Wisdom: Prof. Pavian » Archetype: High quality education, ability to think abstractly: Is this ideal of general education an imagination? No. This changes brain structure and functioning. Proof:...
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) KKB-CEREB-EN » Archetypes: "The Wise", "the intellectuals, "the enlightened", "the geniuses", "the seers", "the sighted", "the fortunetellers", "the owners of the connection to the celestial".
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) KKK-GENIUS-EN » What pictures do we want to see and why? Photos of abandoned places and buildings? Photos of technical superlatives? Fights between animals? (And animal sex?) Paintings of battles of the past? Former dress fashions? Apocalyptic paintings? Accidents and disasters? Why does the brain hunger for certain images? Attempt at answers:
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) KKM-VISAP-EN » The relationship of the way writing is written to thinking and to the subconscious. Do Chinese brains function differently than European brains because of the characters? And differently Arab brains? Answers are tried to these and many other such questions without clear answers.
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) KKK-SCRIP-EN
» Archetypes: language mysteries (MC:) KBA-ARSPE-EN !DE! Back to the start every seven years? » Is there a cycle of 7 years in human life? Legislation and reality are interspersed by 7 years for life phases. - School years, studies. - Career advancement; partner separation. - The few murderers who fight for their innocence for more than 7 years are always innocent? Are 7 years the duration of cognition and change in the brain? Or a statistical error of thought? There are many more points of view here for your discussion:
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) KKW-CYC7-EN
(▲ KBA-ARCAP - 10€)
Automation and intelligence Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:
» finally knowing the future (MC:) KCC-FUTA-EN !EN! DE Burning fear? Competition for my head? » Artificial intelligence and other super topics for particularly far-sighted politicians, philosophers, essayists and other circles, most of which are without a sound knowledge of IT technology. Computer science systems have been getting more and more intelligent since 1945 until today. They are increasingly replacing their former only artificial intelligence with the successful mastering of functions of natural intelligence. Any sudden change to monsters of artificial intelligence, which will fearfully dominate mankind, is not recognizable. Here is a summary: The 5 most important coming changes and risks and the 5 most important limits of "artificial intelligence":
X infos7.org/pp4 (MC:) KKK-KULIM-EN Private preferences - so what? » Does a person lose the right to privacy? The right to one's own image has effectively expired. Next comes the right to one's own thinking? State-approved central compulsory databases for all citizens on health, housing and work, family, genes? Which rest remains? Which innovations could reduce control again?
X infos7.org/pp4 (MC:) UDW-EXIT-EN
» privacy protection (MC:) VWU-PRIV-EN DE How much genetics of a herd of monkeys is there in humans? » The monopolies of social networks have replaced the free Internet. Are there ways back to freedom? The private, profit-oriented social networks are occupying what the free public Internet did until about 2005: Citizens communicate via their own private websites, via their own "homepages". What logic led to the extinction of freedom? With what legal leverage effects can governments restore the return to freedom of the first years of the Internet? - a) The 10 most important necessary regulations. - b) The 10 most important working tools for private websites for everyone.
X infos7.org/pp4 (MC:) PWS-MONOP-EN
» privacy protection (MC:) VWU-PRIV-EN DE exercise legal rights » Does the new century need new legal forms for right holders? Roman Law: Property and Ownership (movable property, real estate, once also slaves). Securities since about 1400. Copyrights since about 1800. International patents since about 1900. - And now? "Facebook etc." must pay all users a data rent? A stock exchange for new cooperative home ownership rights allows change to a new job locality? Right by birth to 1 governmental startup credit for non-heirs?
X infos7.org/pp4 (MC:) PPU-FUTU-EN My raw materials are mine! » Who is the owner of raw materials with a recycling obligation? Today: Is the returnable bottle or car battery the property of the factory or the consumer? In the future, when recycling will be required by law for almost everything: Who is the owner? Who is entitled to profits in the face of rising commodity prices?
X infos7.org/pp4 (MC:) TRU-POSS-EN » Almost complete prevention of accidents? Survey of currently pursued approaches, probabilities and costs. For road traffic, railways, infrastructure buildings, residential buildings, commercial buildings. - Photo: Role reversal. Accident protection of mothers.
X infos7.org/pp4 (MC:) BWY-PRIV-EN
(▲ KCC-FUTAP - 10€)
and eternally the primal sin lures
» Nuclear energy: an overview of new forms of energy generation that should be risk-free. Opinions and counter-opinions on risks and costs or nuclear energy. Risk analysis for densely populated or sparsely populated regions. Time limits of usability in centuries. When, thanks to new nuclear energy concepts, we finally have "inexhaustible" energy, would this heat the earth in the long run due to expanding energy consumption?
» Nuclear energy: Risk-free? (MC:) TEE-NUCEVA-EN DE
(▲ VAK-OPTAP - 10€)
» _MENU_: Bio Intelligence Doping (MC:) KKN-DOP-MENU-EN EN DE FR More about legal drugs:
» _Menu_: Health (MC:) WYA-MENU-EN EN DE FR
» _MENU_: How to stop smoking? (MC:) WYCK-TOB-MENU-EN EN DE FR
» _MENU_: how to stop drinking (MC:) WYCK-ALC-MENU-EN EN DE FR
» genetics & greed, money,... (MC:) JWV-POTGENF-EN EN DE FR More about inteligence:
» _MENU_: wrong economic statistics (MC:) EACK-MENU-EN !EN! DE FR
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» UNO7 World Citizen Toolbox (MC:) SUPA-CITIZ-EN EN DE FR
» _Menu_: Business creation (MC:) SPA-MENU-EN EN DE FR
» _MENU_: True university? Diploma mill? (MC:) WUPUNIV-EN EN DE FR
» in_DE_ Study medicine in Germany? (MC:) KWUNUME-EN !DE!
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George Orwell (*1903 †1950)
CORVOX - Far too much is allowed.
Allowing is to be forbidden! George Orwell posthumously thanks the Corona politicians: they proved the veracity of his prediction "1984". Orwell graciously forgives the 40-year delay. Guns did not make it. Socialism didn't make it. Tiny viruses were the victors over the spirit of free society. uno7.org/cct
The basic rights of the Human Rights Convention produce unbridled sinful people without government control. Total health requires total control. The government must learn, control and store all movements and contacts of all citizens through total smartphone control.
common archetypes of civilizations Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:
» Archetypes of Civilization (MC:) KBA-ARCA-EN !EN! DE Who has wisdom has a clear advantage. » (1) Some archetypes of human civilization that emerged fairly everywhere autonomously: - Rules and laws and commandments, judges. - Criminal law, sanctions, sins and penance. - Warriors, law enforcement officers, police, informers, spies, denunciants. - Election of representatives, majority decision, unanimous, principle of consensus. - Matriarchy or patriarchy - Right to kill or prohibition of killing. Beggars and the rich. - Hierarchy, obey, group, leader, followers, resistance. - and... and... and...
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) KBA-AREXAM-EN
» Archetype: Eradicate, destroy, annihilate a culture. (MC:) KBA-AREXT-EN !EN!
» Archetypes: language mysteries (MC:) KBA-ARSPE-EN !DE! strange war-"right" of killing » (2) Some archetypes of human civilization that emerged fairly everywhere autonomously: - Family, child love, evil stepmother. - Faithfulness, infidelity. - Property, possession, lending, interest. - Rules for inheritance and typical variants. - Murderers, vampires, rescuers, heroes. - Dragons, dwarves, goblins, underground dwellers, witches, sorcerers, fairies, angels. - Outsiders, losers, opinion leaders, wise men, volunteers. - Smart or normal or stupid. - Arbitrariness, cruelty, help, empathy. - and... and... and...
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) AREXAM-EN
» Archetypes / Examples (MC:) KBA-AREXAM-EN !EN!
» Archetypes: Vampires. (MC:) KBA-ARVAM-EN !EN! Vampire: In humans the animal?
» "Archetype": Definition? How would you define it? Not that easy? Here is the answer:...
» Archetypes: Definition . (MC:) KBA-ARDEFN-EN !EN!
» Example: "Vampire": Vampires who enjoy or kill or transform. Blood sacrifice. Victim cults and religions
» Archetypes: Vampires. (MC:) KBA-ARVAM-EN !EN! » The hero: As a warrior, as a ruler, as a victor, as a helper, as a fighter for rights, for immediate prevention against criminals, for self-control in case of suffering and illness, as a pioneering scientist or thinker. In all civilizations, the archetype of the hero, i.e. the superhuman, exists in all common forms, sometimes rightly, sometimes wrongly. How should posterity deal with heroes?How should they be responsible for their mistakes, especially when values and knowledge change? Should the monuments of heroes be destroyed or should they be relativized with counter-information? Answers:
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) KBW-SUPER-EN
» Archetype: Eradicate, destroy, annihilate a culture. (MC:) KBA-AREXT-EN !EN! » Tipping: Is it corruption? Is corruption in the genes? It's not that simple. Numerous scientific studies analyse the worldwide phenomenon of tipping. Attempts to abolish tipping usually fail due to the will of both sides. The main explanations for the immortality of tips are subtle. They are:
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) BRW-DONAT-EN » The informer. The denunciator. The whistleblower. In all civilizations there is the archetype of the informer, the whistleblower. Unwritten rules are similar everywhere: When is the informer, the denunciator, considered bad, when is he considered good? Relation to the collective value system? Traitor or protector? Moral guardian? What is morality? An abstract analysis of the categories of denunciation finally brings clarity:
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) KBU-DENUN-EN the money equivalent of death » What is the financial value of 1 human life? The archetype: The killer must pay to the relatives. But how much? 10 million USD to flight crash victims? A pension to the war widow? And who pays how much when causing a car accident without guilt? Overview of numerous "tariffs" of the financial value of 1 human life.
X infos7.org/pp4 (MC:) KBW-VITP-EN
(▲ KBA-ARCAP - 10€)
Elites: Reasons and limits Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:
» finally knowing the future (MC:) KCC-FUTA-EN !EN! DE Illusion and reality » Family, school, job, study... Production sites of lifelong inequality... Changeable? Is that the way it should be? Or quite bad? The 10 most important causes of the absolute inescapable limits of justice for our human life.
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) VEW-EGAL-EN overcome the hurdles of the future » What kind of education and thinking analysis does the future need? What should be the focus of lifelong learning for children and adults? - Is learning of history o.k.? Sociology o.k.? Is psychology o.k.? Political science o.k.? Understand the functioning of the economy? Understand the legal system? Understand constitutional law? Be able to program software? Should literature and art shrink? Is philosophy now antiquated because it has been replaced by the more specific sciences? - Analysis of arguments for your search for your own answers:
X infos7.org/pp4 (MC:) KKA-FUTUR-EN conscientious elites » Elites - must they be? - Can a government work well without interaction of conflicting elites? Should selection in education select elitist according to performance? Or should anti-elitist education align the level with the weakest learners? Can and should moral values also be measured and should they have a say in school and university? Can elites steer a democracy without a collectively anchored value system of fundamental rights?
X infos7.org/pp4 (MC:) KKV-ELIT-EN 1 head - 1000 visionary ideas » Is "philosophy" still important or is it an anachronism? Especially in the French-speaking culture there are "the intellectual" as admired supreme interpreters of human society. In other languages, academic sociologists and philosophers are in this role. For feuilleton journalism they are all helpful in filling pages. But how useful is the "universal wise man" really in the age of thousands of specialized sciences? 10 most important answers:
X infos7.org/pp4 (MC:) KKK-SOPH-EN Eternal longing for heavenly harmony? » Is the expanding ordering of noble behavior the emergence of a new religion? Critics occasionally claim: "The natural sciences and the Internet revolution have largely overturned the foundations of religions to date. There is, however, a human genetically conditioned primordial need for collective group submission to the spiritual rule of the absolute good. We are in the midst of the development of a pseudo-secular new religion, that of the noble man: In accord with the eternity of one's own being and universe are those who follow all recommendations for measures of world salvation and noble conduct." - Is this true? - All about 20 major aspects are analyzed, objectively and completely neutrally, to provide a basis for your discussion.
X infos7.org/pp4 (MC:) JUV-REGN-EN
The stranger. Being strange. Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:
» Archetypes of Civilization (MC:) KBA-ARCA-EN !EN! DE inseparable: Language... Civilization
» Language, foreign languages and archetypes: Fascinating correlations between civilization and language. Language and genetics for reconstruction of human migrations in conquering the earth. - Why do conquered peoples usually adopt the languages of the conquerors? But why not always?
» Archetypes: language mysteries (MC:) KBA-ARSPE-EN !DE!
» Fascinating facts in language statistics: (1) Does mathematics control our language brain? - (2) The diversification rule of languages: Why do languages tend to be more complex the smaller the number of speakers? - (3) Why do languages oscillate in millennium cycles around simple or complex structure and grammar?
» Archetypes: language mysteries (MC:) KBA-ARSPE-EN !DE! News Service » Language and Evolution: Is there still a universal super grammar in the baby's brain, of which all real languages are only a partial excerpt? - Why do you usually hardly mix languages anymore if you learned more than 3 languages? Is the brain wired accordingly through evolution?
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) KBJ-GRAM-EN
» Archetypes: language mysteries (MC:) KBA-ARSPE-EN !DE! overcome language barriers » Languages and Age: The mysteries of multilingualism: Why can we hardly become fully bilingual above the age of 8? - Why is the quality of pronunciation often miserable due to the schooling of languages? What happens to the language wiring in the brain?
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) KBJ-BALANC-EN » Why are there many more languages near the equator? The diversity of languages grows with warm climatic conditions. A simplified rule of thumb is: where it is warmer, there are more languages. Scientists have identified 5 to 10 plausible main causes for this strange thing. Here they are:
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) KBJ-CLIMA-EN
(▲ KBA-ARCAP - 10€)
Smartwatch anno 1897: Self-winding watch - no battery needed. Time concept. Day and night. Frequencies. Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:
» Archetypes of Civilization (MC:) KBA-ARCA-EN !EN! DE » Why does the day have 24 hours? Why not 10 or 20 hours? Why does every hour have 60 minutes and every minute 60 seconds? Why not 100 each time? Why not 16 or 64 (typical for computer science)? X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) KBB-DAY24-EN light governs us » Is our brain programmed for the duration of the day? How long are days for cave dwellers without light and without clock and calendar? Or if constantly with light? What happens to a person without the change of day and night? Yes, there are answers for all this, namely:....
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) KBB-CEREB-EN » Why does 24 frames per second become movement? The illusions of the eyes. Short history of the moving images. Completely different frequencies in animals - why? (Images and sound.) - Eternal history of illusions created by eyes and ears. The blurring of real and illusion.
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) KBB-MOTION-EN
Future: Agriculture, plants, animals Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:
» finally knowing the future (MC:) KCC-FUTA-EN !EN! DE Superfluous? » What are the limits to increasing agricultural production? Is global food production already stagnating? Is there soil degradation? Is biofuel a misdevelopment? Is insect mortality a sign of an upper limit? And how high is the energy demand? Underwater farms? To what extent does agriculture threaten the quantity and quality of groundwater? Allotment gardens for self-suppliers: advantages, disadvantages, possibilities, limits. - Answers:
X infos7.org/pp4 (MC:) TRS-PROMAX-EN » Viruses are probably the main risk of modern agriculture. Is this the main risk of supplying the growing world population with food? Listed here: Examples of previous major mass virus epidemics for agricultural crops. Previous solutions are listed. Can conceivable future scenarios endanger the global food supply?
X infos7.org/pp4 (MC:) TES-VIRUS-EN 30-year wars worldwide? » The problem of agricultural land creates the risk of wars and mass killings worldwide. Facts: Soil erosion is causing significant reductions in usable land worldwide. Chemicals affect the microbiom of soils. Have the possibilities for improvement in agriculture been exhausted? Is there a threat of decline? Meanwhile the number of people is growing. - Wars, revolutions and mass killings of people are usually correlated with previous periods of hunger. This is how starving people are and will remain. It is not too late to prevent it. 20 truths and answers:
X infos7.org/pp4 (MC:) TRR-TERDAM-EN You guessed it! Growing vegetables in flying airship farms. » Agriculture in several floors: Possibilities, limits. problems are for example: Energy and water demand, lack of trace substances (nutrient substance or soil leaching). What are the realistic options for the near future? What could be profitable today? Also for city dwellers and homeowners? Can it feed the increase in the world's population? Answers:
X infos7.org/pp4 (MC:) TRS-TERDUP-EN Superfluous? » Statistics: What kills or diminishes how many birds a year in highly developed countries? Planning remedies requires facts about causes. Example: Estimates for Germany: Agriculture? Home gardens? The winter? Killing migratory birds during a stopover? Predatory birds? Small predators (cats and others)? Cars? Window panes? Wind turbines?
X infos7.org/pp4 (MC:) TWY-AVESEX-EN
AHA7 NC SIEGER University application help. Study in Germany: How to choose; how to become admitted.
(Content is only in the versions DE , hence in German language.)
Menus: Information sources.
» in_DE_ Study medicine in Germany? (MC:) KWUNUME-EN !DE!
» _MENU_ Medical studies / NC (Germany) (MC:) KWU-AMENU-EN DE
10-page excerpts from e-books:
Information pages:
» medic.studies/acces(Germany) (MC:) KWUN-BINTRO-EN EN DE FR
( Photo: 2008, Sahibdin. - SHOWS: " Ramayana: Rama, Prince of Ayo Rama, gathers an army of monkeys ... Following a battle 1649-1653... and a golden age for mankind.")
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Future: Species protection, evolution. Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:
» finally knowing the future (MC:) KCC-FUTA-EN !EN! DE Unique. - Threatened? » Of all the problems of mankind, species protection is the greatest? The only current very rapid destruction of earthly wealth that will never be curable? Species protection in collision with protection of humans. How much world population is compatible with species protection? Species diversity Inventory and what is likely to disappear in 50 years. Consequences and risks.
X infos7.org/pp4 (MC:) TWC-SPECEND-EN according to a scientific study by Prof. Dr. Dr. Bio: Non-warm-blooded animal » Warm-blooded, even-tempered animals: Why did evolution create that? Overview: Advantages, disadvantages. Evolutionary history as selective cause? Forms and transitions. Only animals or also plants? Would aliens also be warm-blooded? Why just below 40 degrees? Why does the skin tolerate more? Upper limits?
X infos7.org/pp4 (MC:) TWC-TEMPREG-EN Future: Nature and humans, oceans, apocalypse. Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:
» finally knowing the future (MC:) KCC-FUTA-EN !EN! DE » The future of the oceans: Complete science-based overview in plain language: The current trend: Vulnerability especially since about 2000. The main risks of overuse: Shipping, raw materials, underwater farms, waste, military aspects, territorial warfare, need for international agreements. - 20 suggestions on how citizens' actions and politicians can act:
X infos7.org/pp4 (MC:) TER-MARFUT-EN Superfluous? » How long will the Earth's water last? Groundwater levels are falling in dry regions due to increasing use. Is the end approaching? Which beginning comes after the end? - What can happen in already sinking metropolitan areas? - What are the risks to groundwater from agriculture and medicines? Possibilities and limits of seawater desalination? What is the economic balance of water transport for agriculture and drinking water? How much energy is needed to solve water problems? Answers:
X infos7.org/pp4 (MC:) TER-WATMIN-EN No space for animals? » "Back to nature!" - This is unrealistic. It's an archetype of hopeless human wishful thinking for over two thousand years. Destruction of nature is the inevitable companion of all human civilization. The destruction is "somehow proportional" with: - (a) Number of world population. - (b) Worldwide average prosperity level. - (c) Reduction of destruction thanks to innovation and political intelligence. --- An irrational esoteric fundamentalism and fanaticism cannot save nature. - 10 most important rules according to (c) for as much as possible "nature":
X infos7.org/pp4 (MC:) TRB-NATRET-EN "aircraft extinguishes fire" » The complicity of mankind in natural disasters. Consider, for example: Destruction of flood plains of rivers. Monoculture in forests. The question of whether many years of extinguishing small fires in forest areas and bush land promotes the accumulation of risks for extensive large fires. Soil erosion through numerous forms of intervention. Forest destruction. Large agricultural areas without separating by vegetated strips. Too perfect chemical destruction of plants and insects. An excess of water-impermeable surfaces in built-up areas. Lowering the groundwater level increases various risks. Sinking and flooding of areas near the sea due to excessive groundwater extraction. - Analysis of the truth degree of such risks
: X infos7.org/pp4 (MC:) TYT-CATNAT-EN
» Energy: Funding truth analysis? (MC:) TEE-TRUEB-EN EN DE FR
» The archetype of the warning prophecy that is not believed: "Cassandra". This archetype is believed to have been incorporated into literature in all civilizations. This archetype also pervades global reality, for example in the prediction of crises and risks and catastrophes. The "Cassandra-Bonus" is a core element of the attraction of "heroic" movements against global undesirable trends. Examples: Climate catastrophe, species extinction, impact of demographic growth, pandemics.
» Archetype: Eradicate, destroy, annihilate a culture. (MC:) KBA-AREXT-EN !EN!
» Climate future: Funding truth analysis (MC:) TER-CLIMF-EN !EN! Only these few people who already live under water (original photo through submarine window), will survive the nuclear total world war? » "The end is nigh." ? Will everything soon come to an end? Small cultural history of the great prophecies of the end of mankind. The demise of human civilization has been an archetype for over 3,000 years - since the existence of state and religious order or disorder. - Here is the link to an archetype analysis:
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) TYT-FINAL-EN
» Archetype: Eradicate, destroy, annihilate a culture. (MC:) KBA-AREXT-EN !EN! » Real "collapsology" nowadays? Is it all going down? The end times and great catastrophe of mankind? Is the downfall of today's human civilization threatening? Will prosperity and industry and technology collapse? Is man even genetically and evolutionarily programmed by the unknown ruler of the universe to destroy the planet and himself? - For several hundred years, apocalyptic forecasting has been helpful to sell many books and lectures. Subsidies and donations then come in abundance. But is it true for the first time this time? - Here are the 20 most probable scenarios of what could happen to earth civilization in the next 200 years:
X infos7.org/pp4 (MC:) KCC-COLLAPS-EN
» Archetype: Eradicate, destroy, annihilate a culture. (MC:) KBA-AREXT-EN !EN!
» Climate future: Funding truth analysis (MC:) TER-CLIMF-EN !EN!
(Photo: Underwater Civilisation: Sadko in the Underwater Kingdom. By Ilya Yefimovich Repin (1844–1930) in 1876 (photo)graphed with manual pixel assembly. Slavic mythology; books, opera, film Sadko. Right-click on the image - beautyful!
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