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Digital dictatorship: Control of all activity? Will human freedom soon end worldwide? Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:
» finally knowing the future (MC:) KCC-FUTA-EN !EN! DE Freedom rights become an hollow empty shell? » Are we irreversibly on the road to totalitarianism worldwide? For about 250 years, technological progress has brought citizens more and more freedoms. Since about 2010, all has been suddenly and disconcertingly fast moving toward total citizen control, driven by computer performance and the Internet. Until now, technical progress effects have been pro-liberal, but are now becoming anti-liberal. The 10 most important ways all citizens can take countermeasures for their right to freedom:
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) VAB-TOTNE-EN
» _Menu_: UNOLIB against censorship (MC:) PEV-AMC-EN DE
Your government only wants your best! » Money Laundering Control: Unplanned embryo of a future global interlocked blockchain for total control of citizens' assets of the Earth? Are exaggerated cash payment prohibitions from amount X++ the beginning of a general cash payment prohibition? Is a complete ban on cash an inevitably a total control? Is state total control necessarily a totalitarian regime? Answers:
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) VAU-DIGDIK-EN Who should protect from crime? » To what extent may the legal system privatize penal law enforcement? Examples: Consumer protection associations. Audit requirements and filters for uploads by social networks and forums. Media censorship? Control of suspected money laundering by banks, notaries, tax consultants, estate agents, gold sellers, art dealers. Transfer of sovereign rights to private security services. Parental rights. Church asylum. Courts of religious communities. Lawyer's monopoly of legal advice with limits of confidentiality. Limits of confidentiality for doctors and church representatives - Overview of advantages, disadvantages, risks, alternatives:
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) UBS-PRIV-EN
» GEZ-EN (MC:) PEV-TTMWK-EN DE » Does the Internet need government censorship? Or is criminal law against all the really bad things on the Internet enough? This is largely the case. Here the legal instruments are listed: Against insult, hate and threat In texts and commentaries. This also helps against political ideological blindness, as far as it is forbidden in the country concerned with justified reason. Such procedures are even applicable against "likes" for forbidden things. The legal situation is now similar for most countries. The basic legal tools and procedures are described here. Anyone can use them:
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) PUV-CENS-EN
» GEZ-EN (MC:) PEV-TTMUE-EN DE Privacy, copyright Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:
» finally knowing the future (MC:) KCC-FUTA-EN !EN! DE Well camouflaged is half escaped. » Privacy - the Intimate area for human dignity: The beginning millennium problem. We are experiencing a singularity in the history of civilization. For the first time it is technically possible to permanently store all data of a human being and all his utterances from birth to the end of his life. Do we want to set limits? Can we do it? If we cannot limit it, what does this mean for the future of being human? Here are the answers:...
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) UDW-PRIV-EN Copyright with no future? » Copyright and media legislation. Text, images, videos. - The protection of the copyright in the today's sense originated only about 1700 to 1900. Is there starting from about 2030 again dismantling? Will there be money through prestige and events and a modern patronage of donations like once? Will sales, fees and licenses be dropped? Do new technologies now create new facts so that copyrights can no longer be enforced in reality? Answers:...
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) PPU-PROT-EN
200 sites waiting for your press releases - free. It is intended to maintain here always the most efficient press release tool on the Internet: Access to site lists and instructions how to optimize.
» Your site on 200 media sites (MC:) PTP-PRESRE-EN !EN! DE FR
» For test report: Claiming a fee? (MC:) PPUT-TESTFEE-EN DE
» media financing (MC:) VPE-MEDF-EN DE
» your Internet domain capital: risks. (MC:) CFD-RISKS-EN !EN! Photo: (B) US government /Dept.of Energy - nuclear arms test (Nevada Test Site, 1951, Operation Buster-Jangle, Charlie)
Future of Journalism Click = Archives (A) Will journalism finally find to perfect beauty in harmony with the Internet?
(B) Or wil the Internet become the devastating blow which will finally eliminate high quality journalism - of the type "printed press - coordinated by publisher businesses"? Who is threatened? Journalism - or the publishing company commercializing it? Will the Internet become a huge virtual editorial office - with journalists becoming the owners and distributors of their intelligence products? Photo: (A) "underwater atomic blast", Matt Knoth, San Francisco - a nice jellyfish.. beauty & harmony.... (Wikimedia Commons)
(B) US government /Dept.of Energy - nuclear arms test (Nevada Test Site, 1951, Operation Buster-Jangle, Charlie)
UNO7 FLAMINGO for freedom of information New/soon: For the freedom to view or not to view public TV (in countries which oblige to pay for it). Come back in 1 week, and the info pages about this are perhaps already to access.
» Germany: Public TV / fee or free? (MC:) PEV-AMENU-EN DE (Photo: Aaron Logan, 2004, Creat,Comm.Attrib.1.0 lic.)
the real world - worldwide Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:
» Archetypes of Civilization (MC:) KBA-ARCA-EN !EN! DE 1000 years global economy » History of the economy: Gathered listed to rethink: The major turning points of economic development in the last 10 000 years. It ends with the resource problem of a now overpopulated earth. Is the level of consumption in the developed countries so high that economic growth loses its meaning? Can all citizens of the world achieve the same level? Is there a threat of collapse? The 5 scenarios, how this could end:...
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) VEH-PAST-EN
miracle of structural analysis calculation (Tempodrom, Berlin) » The real technical framework conditions that determine all civilization: Buildings and infrastructure. Statics as the basic principle of all buildings worldwide. - Why concrete ceilings and bridges do not collapse and churches do not disintegrate. Why static calculations are possible and how they are carried out in reality. - The water: Water pipes, sewers, groundwater, drinking water, desalination - historical basic forms and current main forms. - Protection against moisture and noise in buildings and related building defects. - Why beams in roofs do not rot despite the many holes in the roof. - Roof drainage - basic variants of continents and regions.
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) TRA-COND-EN The divine of the man-eaters? » Man and his predators. Feared and adored were and are all animals worldwide that can kill humans. The function as an inferior food spoil displeases the superior homo sapiens? Is the settlement of predators part of the unattainable longing of the "back to nature"? For example, wolves and bears in densely populated Western Europe? Why are wild pigs tolerated even though they occasionally attack people and sometimes even kill them? As omnivores, pigs do eat carrion meat.
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) TWY-PRED-EN genetic differences Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:
» Archetypes of Civilization (MC:) KBA-ARCA-EN !EN! DE It's obvious who's taller? » What reasons of evolution determine genetic differences in human body size? The starting point: Why are whale species different in size? Is any of these reasons transferable to humans? Is human genetics anchored in framework conditions for different body sizes? Which are to be considered? - Here are 10 most important assumptions for your discussion:
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) TWC-TANT-EN » Man and woman: The differences, the roles, the rights, the family. The topic with the most texts of all topics in all languages, countries, civilizations. More of this is superfluous. Here comes the meta-analysis as a structured brief overview of the scientifically well-founded analyses: Genetics, brain research, professional preferences, economic theory, business administration, sociology, philosophy of values, legislation. - Family organization in the different societies. The role of father and mother and of man and woman in upbringing and education.
X infos7.org/pp4 (MC:) WWF-DIFFS-EN Is greed for money hereditary?
» Money, politics, power: Greed gene discovered! (MC:) JWV-POTGENB-EN DE
» genetics & greed, money,... (MC:) JWV-POTGENF-EN EN DE FR
» Executive compensation : excessive? (MC:) VEWE-MAXC-EN !EN!
» Remuneration of managers: Inhibiting self-service, (MC:) VEWE-MAXS-EN DE
» "Totalitarian capitalism"? (MC:) VES-CAPT-EN DE
» The money wolf. The fable of the penitent investment banker. (MC:) EYW-GELDWOLF-EN DE Cultural diversity. » What is a human race? Definition of biology? Are there also human races? Biological? Correct language? Is the word race in laws against discrimination suitable or absurd? How many differences? Mixing, what then? Why racial hatred? Why none? On one of the most sensitive topics of the earth civilization, at present becoming unified: Here you find a rational scientific clarity - free of ideology. From now on you can immediately refute the prevailing errors in any discussion about race?
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) TWC-RACE-EN
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(Photo: Underwater Civilisation: Sadko in the Underwater Kingdom. By Ilya Yefimovich Repin (1844–1930) in 1876 (photo)graphed with manual pixel assembly. Slavic mythology; books, opera, film Sadko. Right-click on the image - beautyful!
Human Underground
» _Menu_: CIV7 ARCHETYPES (MC:) KBA-MENU-EN EN DE FR Media, Information, Publications
» Money, politics, power: Greed gene discovered! (MC:) JWV-POTGENB-EN DE Money, Career, Power: Greed Gene Discovered, "Politicians Genes": Politicians, Lobbyists, Bankers? Above the original story, now the media response:
» genetics & greed, money,... (MC:) JWV-POTGENF-EN EN DE FR
» For test report: Claiming a fee? (MC:) PPUT-TESTFEE-EN DE science, intelligence
» _MENU_: wrong economic statistics (MC:) EACK-MENU-EN !EN! DE FR
» Sphinx Classific.: Some code samples. (MC:) KSS-SREGA-EN !EN!
» SPHINX Classification / service (MC:) KSPERSN-EN !EN!
» in_DE_ Study medicine in Germany? (MC:) KWUNUME-EN !DE! Languages; music
» Archetypes: language mysteries (MC:) KBA-ARSPE-EN !DE! environment protection; energy; ...
» Climate future: Funding truth analysis (MC:) TER-CLIMF-EN !EN!
» Energy: Funding truth analysis? (MC:) TEE-TRUEB-EN EN DE FR Health
» _Menu_: Health (MC:) WYA-MENU-EN EN DE FR
» Lower blood pressure? - The truth is complex. (MC:) WYBF-BPRES-EN DE
» Psychotherapy / Marketing: Necessary rules (MC:) WYBF-PSYTE-EN DE rational politics ► LIBRA = vox7.org LIBRA Rational Politics
» World government? (MC:) VAVB-MUNDGOV-EN EN
» UNO7 World Citizen Toolbox (MC:) SUPA-CITIZ-EN EN DE FR financial system
» Financial crisis /_MENU_ (MC:) EYA-MENU-EN EN !DE! FR
(▲ KBA-ARCAP - 10€)
Most important political decisions are based on wrong statistics. Some statistics are misinterpreted, some are a bit manipulated, others are intentionally falsified. Typically concerned: Subjects where the greed for the access to teh tax payer's money or to private money is involved. - Examples: Climate catastrophe hysteria; swine flu hysteria; examination system for new health drugs. Typical examples were the greed for political power is involved: False statistics about unemployment, economic growth, public deficit. Information about statistical errors:
» _MENU_: wrong economic statistics (MC:) EACK-MENU-EN !EN! DE FR
about PSEUCALC -pseudo-science, pseudo-mathematics
» All statistics are false? (MC:) EACSTAT-EN !EN! DE FR
» Economic growth forecast: Knowing the cycles... (MC:) VEAC-PROGEC-EN DE
» Forecasts "Minimal growth": Superfluous (MC:) VEY-STPSY-EN DE
» Financial crisis: governmens errors (MC:) VEY-CAGOVER-EN DE
» your financial contribution (MC:) VOXFIN-EN DE
» VOX7:: Labor = wealth (MC:) VEW-ACTV-EN DE
» discrim.: Man? Woman? (MC:) VWW-FAM2-EN DE
» how to reduce poverty (MC:) VEY-POVE-EN DE
Healthcare: false statistical data?
» health & insurance system (MC:) VWY-MEDA-EN DE
» Cancer : up to 80++ % less risk. (MC:) WYUB-CANPREV-EN DE
» Loose weight: Truth and manipulation (MC:) WYMT-REDUC-EN DE
» Lower blood pressure? - The truth is complex. (MC:) WYBF-BPRES-EN DE (Photo: By Toni_(f) Frissell (1907-1988): Fashion model underwater, Florida,1947; Libr.of Congr.)
(▲ VAK-OPTAP - 10€)
New/soon: For German, English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Portuguese, Japanese Come back in 7 days, and the info pages about this are perhaps already to access.
learn English EN DE FR learn German EN DE FR learn French EN DE FR learn Spanish EN DE FR learn Russian EN DE FR learn Chinese EN DE FR learn Arabic EN DE FR learn Portuguese EN DE FR learn Japanese EN DE FR learn Italian EN DE FR (Photo: Marc Ryckaert (MJJR), 2009, Creat.Comm.Attr.3.0 Unport.Lic.. - SHOWS: in El Gouna (Red Sea, Egypt): public transport bus, customised +decorated in genuine Pakistani style. Coach built by Chishti Engineering (Karachi), decorated by S. Gulzar (Karachi).)
(▲ KBA-ARCAP - 10€)
(Photo: Ohto Kokko, Finland, GNU Free Doc.Lic.v1.2++)
Higher education, degrees, honors - everybody wants intelligence and awards during the few years of his short visit of human civilisation. Here you find legal and other information why not to buy from the various diploma mill addresses on the worldwide Internet.
(Photo: University degrees for everybody? No need to have a homo sapiens brain? - © 2008 Don Pedro & site admin. aha7.com)
SPHINX classification Your PC perfect: Find everything instantly. "SPHINX" =available: (English, German)
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Your donation motivates the author to add more out of the hundreds of topics that have been prepared. Automatic update service for all purchasers for at least 12 months.
Your PC is in an anarchic state?
Do you comfort yourself? - "Everybody's like that"?
Or can you find all the files stored on your PC in your life so far, in a matter of seconds? Then you don't need this e-book. Otherwise perhaps very much?
Merchant's dignity anno 1532: The world is not yet contaminated by computers.
The need is even greater for professional activities.
Small businesses as well as large ones. Storing a variety of information for decision making is not the problem. The problem is to find everything for a very precise work topic within seconds. Libraries have a classification system for catalogues.
But you need it faster, shorter, easier
- adapted to own PCs. Namely:
Perfectly organize up to 1 million files on your PC? Making knowledge available in an orderly form: "SPHINX" Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:
» SPHINX Classification System (MC:) KKS-CLASBASA-EN !EN! DE Universal intelligence amplifier? » Usable on any device. It's computer organization, not software. There is some application help to make it easier to use for MS-Windows, Android, LINUX, Apple and others.
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) KKS-SAPPA-EN
» The basic concept of "SPHINX SECOND BRAIN": Hierarchical order of all your files and information of your life for instant retrieval. In itself, it's complex. But with a few tricks of this concept it becomes very clear and simple. With optimization for end-user devices: private, freelancers, small businesses, scientists, editors,...
» SPHINX Classification / service (MC:) KSPERSN-EN !EN! Sphinx: Your PC gets more intelligent than your head?
» Abstract analysis of the theory behind "SPHINX SECOND BRAIN". - It's very easy to use. But the logic behind it is complex information theory: The analysis of the structure of information and knowledge and the interaction with the analogously structured brain.
» Sphinx Classific.: Some code samples. (MC:) KSS-SREGA-EN !EN! Everything used to be better in the past? Computer anno 1934. » "How do I buy SPHINX LICENCES?" - Not at all. The basic version is free. This fits and is sufficient for info archives for personal use, small business, editorial staff, scientists. In larger organizations a service agreement can be helpful. Adaptation to specific needs can then be better optimized.
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) KSS-SREGA-EN » An example of basic codes: X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) KKS-SEXA-EN » List of codes according to current status. - The heart of the system: The basic classification code list. Then there are the extension rules, how you can expand this according to your needs.
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) KKS-SACT-EN professional computing for all Authors are waiting for a 50€ writing donation for planned new texts: As far as the following links specify: "/pp4"
Almost everything below: From the e-book:
» SPHINX Classification System (MC:) KKS-CLASBASA-EN !EN! DE your protective shield against e-mail chaos » Only an empty e-mail box is a good mailbox. Do many or most use their e-mail boxes as a database? This is not what this is for and it is not designed for. Here comes a universal guide to solve all tasks intelligently and without wasting time. The 20 recommendations for clear organization instead of e-mail chaos:
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) TCB-EMAP-EN » Is Linux better for you? The 10 most important decision rules for or against Linux. The really professional computing uses practically only Linux: Internet servers. Today's Linux is probably simpler and more versatile than the typical consumer systems. Here is an overview of the advantages and the remaining disadvantages:
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) CBU-NUXX-EN small and fine - for everything else only external plug-in modules » Your modular PC. Electronics never again throw away? Save money and protect the environment? - With your modular PC you only have to buy a box with a current mainboard every 5 years or so. Everything else you use with pluggable modules. It is not necessary to tinker with electronics. Most of the plug-in modules can also be changed between PC and notebook at will. - Instructions to do it yourself:
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) TCT-MODU-EN cookbook for Baswerdz » Your optimal pazs_worrt strategy. Most recommendations are complicated and unrealistic, sometimes counterproductive. Here are 20 rules on how to optimize the use of Pasz-Vorrdz:
X volxweb.org/pp4 (MC:) TCU-PWST-EN
» your Internet domain capital: risks. (MC:) CFD-RISKS-EN !EN!
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