v. July 18, 2022
_EN_ Options, call option, put option - assets: securities, derivative instruments, futures contracts - quantitative analysis, risks - stock options - etc.etc. / AHA7 FIN MONSTER _English_ ('EJEB)
American option, amortized value, Asian option, asian tail, ask, asking price, assignment, at par forward spread, at the money, average option, back months, barrier option, basket, bear straddle, below par, best ask, bid, Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model, Bolsa De Mercadorias & Futuros, break-even point, bulge, bullet dodging, butterfly spread, buy, buy and write, buy to cover, calendar spread, call, call option, call ratio backspread, call swaption, caput, cashless exercise, CBOE, CBOT, Ch ... etc. etc.
Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position. |
_EN_ Options, call option, put option - assets: securities, derivative instruments, futures contracts - quantitative analysis, risks - stock options - etc.etc. / AHA7 FIN MONSTER _English_ / ('EJEB) |
American option . amortized value . Asian option . asian tail . ask . asking price . assignment . at par forward spread . at the money . average option . back months . barrier option . basket . bear straddle . below par . best ask . bid . Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model . Bolsa De Mercadorias & Futuros . break-even point . bulge . bullet dodging . butterfly spread . buy . buy and write . buy to cover . calendar spread . call . call option . call ratio backspread . call swaption . caput . cashless exercise . CBOE . CBOT . Chicago Board of Trade . Chicago Mercantile Exchange . class . class of options . cliquet option . close to the money . closing transaction . CME . combination . COMEX . Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures . Commodity Exchange . Commodity Trading Advisor . condor . constant proportion portfolio insurance . contract size . corporate spread duration . counterparty risk . covered call . covered option . covered put . covered warrant . covered writer . credit spread . currency call option . currency put option . CUSIP number . customer margin . daily price limit . daily trading limit . debit spread . deep out of the money . delta . delta hedging . delta spread . denomination . derivative pricing models . derivative security . digested security . discounted . dollar roll . down-and-in barrier option . downgrade . downside protection . drawn securities . dual listing . embedded option . Employee Stock Ownership Plan . equity derivative . equity option . escrow receipt . EUREX . Euroequity issues . European-style option . ex-warrants . exchange . exempt security . exercise . exercise assignment . exercise date . exercise notice . exercise ratio . exercise settlement amount . exotic option . expiration cycle . expiration date . external market . face value . far option . farther out; farther in . financial instrument . fixed-rate payer . foreign currency futures and options . foreign currency option . forward . forward cover taking . front fee . full ratchet . fungible . furthest month . FUTOP . gamma . good delivery . grade . graduated call writing . graduated security . guarantee letter . hedge . hedge ratio . hedge wrapper . hedging . IDEM . implied interest rate . implied volatility . in the money . incentive stock option . index option . index options . interest rate option . International Petroleum Exchange (IPE) . International Securities Exchange (ISE) . intervals . investment security . iron butterfly . ISIN . ISO . kappa . knock-in option . knock-out option . ladder option . lambda . last trading day . law of one price . LEAPS . leg . letter security . limited discretion . limited risk . listed . listed option . Little Board . London Commodity Exchange (LCE) . London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange . long . long position . long put . Long-Term Equity Anticipation Securities . lookback option . marketability . marketable security . married put . Merc . Montreal Exchange (MX) . naked call . naked option . naked put . nearest month . negotiable security . neutral hedge ratio . neutral spread . New York Stock Exchange . non-equity option . non-qualified stock option . non-statutory stock option . not rated . notional value . OCC . OEX . offer . offering circular . offsetting transaction . open interest . open outcry . opening transaction . option . option account . option chain . option class . option elasticity . option holder . option margin . option pool . option price . option pricing curve . option series . option spread . option-adjusted yield . optionable stock . optionee . options backdating . Options Clearing Corporation . Oslo Bors (OSE) . OTC Bulletin Board . OTCBB . out of the money . out-of-favor . over the counter derivative . Over-the-Counter . overwriting . Pacific Exchange (PX) . par . payoff diagram . perpendicular spread . perpetual warrant . pit . plain vanilla . position limit . premium . premium margin . price limit . price spread . privilege dealer . protective put . protective put buying . purchase . put . put swaption . put to seller . put warrant . put writer . put-call parity . quanto option . quotation . quote . rating . rating service . ratio spread . ratio write . ratio writer . redeem . registered options trader . regular-way delivery . regulated commodities . reload option . residual security . restricted security . reversal arbitrage . reverse convertible bond . risk . risk disclosure document . risk margin . roll down . roll up . SEC . SEC filing . securities . sell . selling the spread . sensitivity . series . short call option . short leg . short market value . short sell against the box . short straddle . single option . speculative . speculator . split rating . spread duration . spring loading . stamped security . statutory stock option . step-up warrant . stock purchase plan . straddle . strap . strike index . structured note . subscription warrant . swap spread . synthetic collateralized debt obligation . synthetic stock . take . tax straddle . theoretical value . time premium . time spread . time value . Tokyo Commodity Exchange . Tokyo Grain Exchange (TGE) . trading . triple witching hour . type . uncertainty . uncovered call . underlier . underlying . underlying security . underwater . unlimited risk . up-and-in barrier option . up-and-out barrier option . upgrade . value spot . variable maturity option . vega . vertical spread . vesting period . volatility risk . wallpaper . wasting asset . weather derivative . Winnipeg Commodity Exchange (WCE) . witching hour . call
Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position. |
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