v. July 18, 2022
(list) lovemeter - how to measure true love
| Do you want to measure the truth value of love? Lovemeter - how to measure true love?
Here the definite truth: scientific analysis of love level. and dreams and hopes
New science - amorology - and you can participate in its research work.
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Lovemeter - love & dream / ('WWFW) |
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Lovemeter - love & dream / love ('WWFW) |
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Truth? Changes every 7 days. Come back! A youth with his first cigar makes himself sick; a youth with his first girl makes everybody sick. - (Mary Wilson Little)
She has such a nice sense of rumor. - (John Cutler)
Women do not find it difficult nowadays to behave like men, but they often find it extremely difficult to behave like gentlemen. - (Compton Mackenzie)
From birth to 18 a girl needs good parents. From 18 to 35, she needs good looks. From 35 to 55, good personality. From 55 on, she needs good cash. I'm saving my money. - (Sophie Tucker)
For the unlearned, old age is winter; for the learned, it is the season of the harvest. - (Hasidic saying)
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Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position. |
Lovemeter - love & dream / quote ('WWFW) |
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Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position. |
The Beauty Ideal / ('WWM) |
The Beauty Ideal / type of factors ('WWM )
Inner Beauty - psychological factors.
Inner Beauty - personality, integrity.
inner beauty - intelligence, creativity.
Inner Beauty - grace, charisma, congruence, elegance.
inner beauty - kindness, politeness.
inner beauty - sensitivity, tenderness, compassion.
Outer Beauty - physical attractiveness, physical factors.
Outer Beauty - health, youthfulness.
Outer Beauty - health.
Outer Beauty - young.
Outer Beauty - facial symmetry, averageness, complexion.
Outer Beauty - averageness.
Outer Beauty - complexion.
Beauty ideal / changing factors ('WWM )
Standards of beauty always change - are cultural.
beauty ideal - historical paintings show change of standards.
Beauty ideal / permanent factors ('WWM )
the cross-cultural beauty ideal.
cross-cultural research commonalities of beauty.
permanent beauty ideal factors - relatively young, smooth skin.
permanent beauty ideal factors - well-proportioned bodies, regular features.
Beauty - Symmetry - suggests absence of genetic defects.
Beauty - Symmetry - absence of acquired defects.
averageness - average of faces - perceived most attractive.
averageness - composite average of faces : beauty ideal.
physical beauty : averageness - face images averaged : composite image.
but viewers prefer ultra-feminized women above average.
but viewers prefer feminized men above average.
Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position. |
The Beauty Ideal: female, male / ('WWM) |
evolution and the human beauty ideal ('WWM )
female beauty ideal.
beauty ideal : waist-to-hip ratio approximately 0.70.
women / hourglass figures : more fertile : female hormones.
women / high waist hip difference: fertile / female hormones.
women androgen insensitivity syndrome no reproduction.
women androgen insensitivity syndrome - modern beauty ideal.
question : modern beauty ideal - opposed to reproduction.
female beauty ideal ('WWM )
viewers prefer ultra-feminized women's faces.
men prefer ultra-feminized women's faces.
women prefer ultra-feminized women's faces.
preference ultra-feminized women faces over average faces.
preference ultra-feminized female faces over slightly masculinized.
male beauty ideal ('WWM )
ideal human beauty - classical - and Europe / renaissance.
proportions according to golden ratio - more attractive.
male beauty : ancient Greek, Roman artists - became standard.
ancient artists - male beauty standard in western civilization.
women have preference for feminized male faces.
men have preference for feminized male faces.
man with feminine features - pop culture idols.
facial hair - evolution - why men have - women not.
facial hair in human evolution, no explanation.
prehistoric men could not shave - beard.
prehistoric men looked distinct from women.
Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position. |
The Beauty Ideal & Culture / ('WWM) |
Eurocentric concept of female beauty ('WWM )
predominance white women / movies, advertising - beauty ideal.
white women - Eurocentric beauty ideal.
Eurocentric beauty ideal - feelings of inferiority in women of color.
Eurocentric beauty standard - women feelings of inferiority.
Eurocentric beauty standard - women of color - feeling discrimination.
China / female beauty ideal ('WWM )
Chinese female beauty ideal.
Western images affect Chinese beauty norms.
regional Asian images affect Chinese beauty norms.
Chinese women want beauty that not purely Chinese.
beauty ideal, foreign cultural influence, eroticized in Chinese media.
media: male gaze presence, sexualizes beauty.
media: implied male gaze presence, sexualizes beauty.
relationship - inner beauty, outer beauty - Chinese beauty ideal.
inner beauty, outer beauty - Chinese female beauty ideal.
Taoism, Confucianism - female beauty, inner / outer beauty.
religion - China : related outer / inner female beauty.
Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position. |
Beauty, male gaze, woman / object ('WWM )
Male Gaze.
female beauty and male gaze.
Male Gaze feminist theory.
Male Gaze asymmetic power relationship.
Male Gaze asymmetic relationship, viewer / viewed.
Male Gaze asymmetic relationship, gazer / gazed.
man imposes unwanted objectifying male gaze upon woman.
male gaze reduces woman to an object.
female gaze reduces man to an object.
male gaze dominating.
women might benefit when conform to male gaze.
women conform to hegemonic norms, men benefit.
women norms, established to benefit interests of men.
gaze not belongs to subject but to object.
question : male gaze belongs to woman.
question : female gaze belongs to man.
Ugliness - opposed to the beauty ideal ('WWM )
ugliness - unpleasant to look upon.
ugly man - esthetically unattractive.
ugly woman - esthetically unattractive.
ugly - repulsive, or offensive..
ugliness is subjective judgment, is not objective.
ugliness can be internal, like thoughtless, cruel.
Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position. |
Beauty & Fetichism / ('WWM) |
Sexual Fetichism ('WWM )
Sexual Fetichism.
sexual fetichism of men.
sexual fetichism of women.
fetichism clothing.
men fetichism lingerie.
men fetichism hosiery.
fetichism rubber items.
fetichism leather items.
fetichism footwear.
men fetichism high heels.
fetichism of women corsetry.
women medical-related fetishes.
fetichism of women self-cutting.
fetichism of women clothing ultra-feminized.
fetichism body parts.
fetichism partialism.
fetichism paraphilia.
fetichism psychology analysis.
fetishism - normal variations of human sexuality.
fetishism - pathological form - diagnosis.
fetishism - cognitive therapy.
fetishism - psychoanalysis.
Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position. |
Lovemeter - love & dream / free "how to" ('WWFW) |
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Enter in the search field on the page top one of these word combinations (or simply copy&paste a whole line into the search field). - Quotation marks, if any, have to be entered exactly in the same position. |
Truth? Changes every 7 days. Come back! Old age is the Outpatient's Dept of purgatory. - (Lord Cecil)
If I'd known I was gonna live this long (100 years), I'd have taken better care of myself. - (James Hubert Blake)
There are three signs of old age: loss of memory ... I forget the other two. (Red Skelton)
Be pretty if you can, be witty if you must, be agreeable if it kills you. - (Elsie de Wolfe)
Old age, especially an honoured old age, has so great authority, that this is of more value than all the pleasures of youth. - (Cicero)
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USA, Love Meter
The Love Meter! An American invention, called the "Amorograph", with which it can be determined whether the love of two humans is genuine. The picture shows the inventor of the "Amorograph" during an experiment.
Date 1931
Source: Deutsches Bundesarchiv (German Federal Archive), Bild 102-12704
Author: unknown
Licensing: This image was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the German Federal Archive (Deutsches Bundesarchiv) as part of a cooperation project.
Photo: Rowena - Wikipedia Commons
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(Photo: 2005 by André Karwath aka Aka: Hamadryas Baboon (=Papio hamadryas) = "Mantelpavian", Zoo Leipzig, in Germany: Creat.Comm.Lic.)
* Access to all scientifically proven truth on the Internet about paranormal phenomena: Extra-sensory perception like: Prophecy / clairvoyance; telepathy; psychokinesis / telekinesis... * ... purported phenomena like UFOs, extraterrestrials which visited Earth in the past, the Bermuda Triangle,... * ... communication with the dead, reincarnation, ghosts, haunted houses, witches, demonic possession, nocebos, and creatures that fall under the scope of cryptozoology,... * ... The unknown like other worlds with human-like civilisations, black holes, the origin of the universe, the before-universe and the post-universe of the universe;... * ... phenomena between science and the paranormal point of view, like psychic / spiritual healing, placebos and nocebos..., * ... and about the most successful conspiracies (or conspiracy theories?...) in history - from Caesar & Brutus & Cleopatra to swine flu and climate catastrophe.
* --- --- (Photo: © 2007 Don Pedro & site admin. aha7.com: The improbable and reality: Ghost cars driving on the inverse side of a bridge, observed and instantly photographed in the city of Hannover, Germany, 2007. The irregular color layer demonstrates how the camera registration chip was irritated by strong strange radiation. Find the tried scientific explanation in the info page above about paranormal events.)
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(Photo: © 2008 Don Pedro & site admin. aha7.com)
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(Photo: Château de Cheverny, Loire; 2003 by Thomas Steiner; GNU Free Doc.Lic.v1.2++)
( Photo: 2007 by Tomascastelazo; GNU Free Doc.Lic.v1.2++ ........ In Mexican folk culture, the Catrina is the skeleton of a high society woman and is one of the most popular figures of the celebrations 'Day of the Dead'.)
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(Photo: By Toni_(f) Frissell (1907-1988): Fashion model underwater, Florida, 1939; from Library of Congress)
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Truth? Changes every 7 days. Come back! She was a Phantom of delight When first she gleamed upon my sight; A lovely Apparition, sent To be a moment's ornament. - (William Wordsworth)
We don't believe in rheumatism and true love until after the first attack. - (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)
Middle age occurs when you are too young to take up golf and too old to rush up to the net. - (Franklin Pierce Adams)
Man has his will, - but woman has her way. - (Oliver Wendell Holmes)
A rag and a bone and a hank of hair. - (Rudyard Kipling)
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